Using planning clusters for job shop production planning

Job shop production planning is performed for plan items whose supply source is set to Shop Floor. The supply source of a plan item is displayed in the Actual Supply Source field in the Items - Planning (cprpd1100m000) session.

Enterprise Planning generates planned production orders in preparation for job shop production orders.

Multisite concepts activated

For a proper material flow in the bill of material (BOM) of a plan item, the warehouses on the bill of material (BOM) lines should be linked to the same planning cluster as the plan item and be linked to the same site. Similarly, the work centers linked in the Item - Routings (tirou1101m000) session must use shop floor warehouses linked to the same planning cluster and site.

All production orders for items with the supply source Shop Floor must be assigned to a site. In the Item - Production by Site (tiipd0151m000) session, the Use for Job Shop check box must be selected for the production site.

Both the bill of material and the warehouses used during production must be linked to the same site as the bill of materials. The same applies to the routing selected in the Item - Routings (tirou1101m000) session for the item to be produced.

The only exception are subcontracted operations, which can have work centers and shop floor warehouses linked to another, external, site.

Multisite concepts not activated

For a proper material flow in the bill of material of a clustered plan item, the warehouses on the bill of material (BOM) lines must be linked to the same planning cluster.

If a production order in planning cluster X requests materials from planning cluster Y, while no planned distribution set up between the two planning clusters, the request will cause conflicts in the distribution logic of order planning, which can only process shipments between planning clusters through planned distribution orders.

Similarly, the work centers linked in the Item - Routings (tirou1101m000) session must use shop floor warehouses linked to the same planning cluster.


In the following example, R is a resource, A through F are warehouses.

Cl XPlanning Cluster X
Cl YPlanning Cluster Y
Cl ZPlanning Cluster Z

Item BIKE is manufactured in resource R, with warehouse A.

Warehouse A is part of planning cluster X

Planning cluster X has two supplying relations:

  • To planning cluster Y with two warehouses
  • To planning cluster Z with two warehouses

In Enterprise Planning, the item BIKE is represented by the following plan items:

  • Clustered item X BIKE represents the item stocked in warehouses B and C.
  • Clustered item Y BIKE represents the item stocked in warehouses D and E.
  • Clustered item Z BIKE represents the item stocked in warehouse F.