Order statuses in Enterprise Planning

You can view planned supply orders in the Planned Orders (cprrp1100m000) session.

In general, a planned order proceeds through the following order statuses during its life cycle:

  • Planned
  • Firm Planned (optional)
  • Confirmed

When a planned order is generated, it normally gets the Planned order status. During the order-planning process, existing planned orders with this order status are discarded.

These planned orders are not yet final. You can change parameters and modify individual planned orders. To make a planned order permanent during order planning runs, change its status to Firm Planned.

Firm Planned

You can manually set a planned order's status to Firm Planned. During an order simulation, existing orders with Firm Planned or Confirmed status are retained, unless you select the Remove Firm Planned Orders check box. Enterprise Planning does no longer change the planned order's date and quantity.

As a rule, Enterprise Planning does not plan any new planned orders before the last order with Firm Planned status or higher. In other words, such a planned order effectively serves as an additional time fence.


To indicate that the planner has approved a planned order, set its status to Confirmed. A confirmed planned order is ready to be transferred to the execution level.

You can confirm a planned order manually, or do this for a range of planned orders by running the Confirm Order Planning (cprrp1200m000) session.

You can determine which planned orders must be confirmed based on the order lead time. For more information, refer to Confirm planned orders based on lead time.

Transfer to execution level

You can transfer planned orders to the execution level in the Transfer Order Planning (cppat1210m000) session, which you can access via the appropriate menu of the Planned Orders (cprrp1100m000) session.

As a rule, only confirmed orders are transferred. However, in the Transfer Order Planning (cppat1210m000) session you can expand the transfer to firm-planned orders, and even to orders with Planned status.

Order groups

To handle the order status of groups of planned production orders in a convenient way, use order groups. For more information, refer to Order grouping in Enterprise Planning.