The use of centralized multicompany planning

Use the following procedure to set up a central multicompany structure:

  • Define a scenario in the Scenarios (cprpd4100m000) session, and select the Central Multicompany Planning check box to make it a multicompany scenario.
  • Define a local scenario in each local company.
  • Define the multicompany structure in the Multicompany Scenarios (cprpd4140m000) session, by listing the local companies involved. Specify the appropriate local scenario for each company.
  • Select the Central Multicompany Planning check box in the Items - Planning (cprpd1100m000) session for each plan item that you want to plan by centralized multicompany planning.
  • Calculate the multicompany phase numbers in the Compute Phase Numbers (cprpd6200m000) session (by selecting the central multicompany scenario).
Multicompany planning run

Once you have set up the central multicompany structure, you can carry out a central multicompany planning run by means of one of the following sessions:

  • Generate Master Planning (cprmp1202m000)
  • Generate Order Planning (cprrp1210m000)

LN performs a planning run in each local scenario, for each local plan item for which the Central Multicompany Planning check box in the Items - Planning (cprpd1100m000) session is selected.