Project Expenses (bptmm1111m100)

Use this session to enter the overhead costs for the projects you are involved in.

You can enter expenses using either of these cost types:

  • Labor
    Use this cost type to enter expenses on a task you worked on, for example, subcontracting hours.
  • Sundry Costs
    Use this cost type to enter expenses for predefined overhead codes that are not actual tasks but belong to the project costs.

When the expenses are processed, they are booked to Project and then to Financials on the linked cost component.


On the View menu, click Customize Grid to display description fields for the following:

  • Project
  • Element
  • Activity
  • Extension
  • Employee

Related topics


Cost Type

Either Labor or Sundry Costs.


Independent of the selected cost type, you can choose a standard or a project session:

  • The standard session displays all generally used labor or sundry costs cost object codes.
  • The project session only displays the cost object codes linked to the project you selected.
Cost Component

A cost component is a collection of cost objects with a certain characteristic. A cost component does not depend on the cost type, therefore, for example, a project can be monitored from another dimension. For example, all the costs that refer to electrical work, for example, cable and installation work, are visible if the applicable cost objects are linked to the cost component Electrical work.


If this check box is selected, the expenses can be invoiced.


The number of units.


The physical quantity in which an item or good is managed. For example, a quantity of wood can be expressed as a length by using the unit of one meter, or as a volume by using the unit of one cubic meter.


A generally accepted medium of exchange such as coins, treasury notes, and banknotes.

The following currency types are available in LN:

  • Home currency, which is used internally by companies to calculate costs, record budgets, and register tax amounts
  • Transaction currency, which is used in transactions with business partners, such as orders and invoices

The price per unit.

Expense Amount

The total amount for this expense line.

Registration Date

The date of registering the time that an employee spends on a specific project or activity.

Line Origin

Allowed values

  • Manual
  • Assignment
  • Global Registration
  • Team Hours
  • Backflushing
  • Day-End Hours
  • External
Logon Code

The identification code for the LN user. This code is used for system security.

Transaction Date

The date and time the expense line was created.


If this check box is selected, the expense line was approved.


If this check box is selected, the expense line was processed to Financials.


If this check box is selected, a text is present.

Sequence Number

The number that identifies a data record or a step in a sequence of activities. Sequence numbers are used in many contexts. Usually LN generates the sequence number for the next item or step. Depending on the context, you can overwrite this number.


The employee's code.


The employee's description.


The employee's name.


The year for which you register the expenses.

The year and the period code identify a unique period.


The identification of a period table. The different periods of a year, including the period number, start date and end date are linked to the period-table code.

Registration/Start Date

The project start date.

End Date

The project end date.


An endeavor with a specific objective to be met within the prescribed time and financial limitation, and that has been assigned for definition or execution.


The smallest part of an element structure. An element is used to define the (structure of the) work of the project, so that you can carry it out.


The smallest part of the activity structure used for a time-scaled budget. An entity that is used to represent a part of a project in an activity structure.

LN distinguishes these activity types:

  • WBS Element
  • Control Account
  • Work Package
  • Planning Package
  • Milestone

The specific agreements within or in addition to the initial contract. An extension falls outside the initial contract with the sold-to business partner. Extensions can be assigned to the bottom-up budget.

LN distinguishes four extension types:

  • Scope Change
  • Provisional Amount
  • Fluctuation Settlement
  • Quantities to be Settled
Current View

The total of the hours in the current view.

Current View

The total amount of the expenses in the current view.


The total amount of the expenses in the current view.


The total amount of all expenses.


Approve Expenses

Use this command to approve a selected range of expenses transactions.

If the Approval Required check box in the People Parameters (bpmdm0100m000) session is cleared, this command is unavailable.

Undo Approve Expenses

Use this command to unapprove a selected range of expenses transactions.

If the Approval Required check box in the People Parameters (bpmdm0100m000) session is cleared, this command is unavailable.

Process Hours and Expenses

Starts the Process Hours and Expenses (bptmm1203m000) session.

Intercompany Trade Orders

Starts the Intercompany Trade Orders (tcitr3100m000) displaying the intercompany trade orders for the selected employee, year and period.

Intercompany Trade Orders - Sales Lines

Starts the Intercompany Trade Orders - Sales (tcitr3100m200) session displaying the intercompany trade orders for the selected line.

Global (Undo) Approve Hours and Expenses

Starts the Global (Undo) Approve Hours and Expenses (bptmm1202m000) session.

Project Hours

Starts the Project Hours (bptmm1111m000) session.

Print Hours and Expenses

Starts the Print Hours and Expenses (bptmm1400m000) session.

Copy Hours and Expenses

Starts the Copy Hours and Expenses (bptmm1210m000) session.

Process Now

Use this command to process expenses without closing the session.

General Expenses

Starts the General Expenses (bptmm1111m300) session.

Project Expenses

Starts the Project Expenses (bptmm1111m100) session.

Hours and Expenses History

Starts the Hours and Expenses History (bptmm2800m000) session.