People – master data entry

To enter master data, under People, Master Data, access these sessions:

  • People Parameters (bpmdm0100m000)
  • Employees - People (bpmdm0101m000)
  • General Tasks (bpmdm0150m000)
  • General Expense Types (bpmdm0155m000)
  • Assignments (bpmdm0130m000)
  • Working Time Schedule Codes (tcppl1101m000)

To specify general startup defaults as well as various session-specific settings, use the People User Profiles (bpmdm0102m000) session.

Step 1.  People Parameters (bpmdm0100m000)

In the People Parameters (bpmdm0100m000) session, you can specify various settings that directly affect the hours recording and processing procedure.

If, on the Process Labor Costs/Expenses tab, for example, you select the Approval Required check box, you must approve the hours, and you cannot use direct processing. If you select the Direct option, the hours processing is performed automatically.

If, on the General tab, you select the Update Employee Budget with Team Budget check box, you can accelerate the budgeting of hours. For more information, refer to People Parameters (bpmdm0100m000).


On the General tab, these settings also affect hours entry, approval, and processing:

  • Direct Time Recording
  • Use Registration Authorization
  • Use Approval Authorization
Step 2.  Employees - People (bpmdm0101m000)

The data in the Employees - People (bpmdm0101m000) session is a subset of the data in the Employees - General (tccom0101m000) session. You can enter people information, such as the fiscal number, employment hours, and the employment date.


  • Enter the employment hours if you want LN to compare the regular hours entered with the number of regular hours specified here.
  • If you leave the Department field empty in an hours accounting session, LN automatically enters the department of the employee. If for any reason you want the hours booked for another department, you can overrule the default.
Step 3.  General Tasks (bpmdm0150m000)

In the General Tasks (bpmdm0150m000) session, you can create general tasks. General hours are only booked to Financials as costs to a general ledger, and for cost analysis to Cost Accounting.

Step 4.  General Expense Types (bpmdm0155m000)

Enter the expense codes ( Infor XM: expense types) in the list of the General Expense Types (bpmdm0155m000) session. The general expense codes can be used in the General Expenses (bptmm1111m300) session to book a specific related cost for, for example, mileage. The price and unit entered for the expense code are default values for expense entry.

Step 5.  Assignments (bpmdm0130m000)

You can create assignments for an employee in the Assignments (bpmdm0130m000) session. An assignment has a fixed start and end date and can be recurrent. In the hours sessions, you can retrieve the planned assignments with the Use Assignments command. The use of assignments is optional, but accelerates the hours accounting process.

You can generate assignments from Project. These assignments originate from the project budget (labor lines), and are updated to People with the Update Assignments in Hours Accounting (tpptc2211m000) session.

Step 6.  Working Time Schedule Codes (tcppl1101m000)

Use the Working Time Schedule Codes (tcppl1101m000) session to define a code. Then, with the code selected, on the appropriate menu, choose Working Time Schedule. In the Working Time Schedule (tcppl1100m000) session, define a working time schedule for each working day. To divide the day into parts with different cost rates, you can use a different labor type for each day part. A different labor type can mean a different surcharge on top of the employee rate. A different labor type can also mean that the same rate is applied, but that a different definition of the hours in terms (regular time or overtime) is used. The surcharge for the labor type line is defined in the Labor Type - Surcharges (tcppl0131m000) session. This surcharge is on top of the already defined employee rate.

Enter your WTS code and the number of hours you worked within a period in the hours accounting details session, and save the line. LN automatically distributes the entered number of hours according to the working time schedule. The scheduled hours lines appear in your time sheet. You can edit your time sheet after generating the scheduled hours.


You can specify the hours for each employee in the Working Time Schedule (tcppl1100m000) session not only to easily generate hours lines, but also to have more detail on actual hours. This can be useful, for example, for part timers.