Selecting a print device

After specifying what you want to print, you can specify a print device in the Select Device (ttstpsplopen ) session.

You can print to the following:

  • A printer
  • Your screen
  • A file
  • A message
Printing to a printer
  1. In the Select Device (ttstpsplopen ) session, click the Printer tab.
  2. Specify the printer in the Device field. If the system manager has defined a default printer, LN uses that printer.

LN cannot use the default printer:

  • If the report width is greater than the paper type width.
  • If the paper type defined for the report is different from the device paper type.

In these cases you must select a printer.

You can select these devices types:

PrinterOnly applicable for a Unix printer using the LN printer daemon.
DirectOnly applicable for a Unix printer without using the LN printer daemon.
Windows printerOnly applicable for a Windows network printer or a Local printer
Logical printerOnly applicable for a logical group of Unix printers



For some output devices it is supposed that specific software is installed and configured on the LN server or on the Client.


  • If you select a device that sends your report to Microsoft Excel then MS Excel must be installed.
  • If you select a device that sends your report to a Unix printer (Device type: Printer or Logical printer), the LN printer daemon must be up and running on the LN Unix server.
  • If you select a device that sends your report to Business Objects Enterprise, the Business Objects (TM) Xi Integration Kit for Baan must be installed and configured.
Displaying the report on your screen
  1. In the Select Device (ttstpsplopen ) session, click the Display tab.
  2. In the Device field, select a device of the device type Screen. The report is displayed on your screen and the Display Browser starts.
Printing to a file
  1. In the Select Device (ttstpsplopen ) session, click the File tab.
  2. In the Device field, select a device of one of the following device types:
    • Rewrite file
    • Append to file
  3. Specify a file name in the Output File field. The file is stored in your home directory on the LN server.

A File device can be configured by the LN System Administrator to print your report, for example, to an Excel worksheet.

This table shows several examples:

Description4GL ProgramArgument
ASCII filettstpconvASCII
Excel filettstpconvASCII:excel
HTML filettstpconvHTML:iexplore
Notepad filettstpconvASCII:notepad
RTF filettstpconvRTF:winword
Business Objects Enterprise<empty>XML server=ssssss port=pppp
Send report to E-mail address(es)ttcmfprintoutlook


You can use an ftp program or another UNIX program to copy the file to your own computer.

Sending a message

To send the document to an e-mail address:

  1. In the Select Device (ttstpsplopen ) session, click the Send Message tab.
  2. Enter the subject of the message and, optionally, a list of the categories to which it belongs.
  3. Specify the delivery options. If you want the message to be delayed, enter the time after which it can be delivered in Deliver After. If you want the message to be deleted after a certain time, enter this time in Expire After. The valid format is the standard LN yyyymmdd hhmmss.
  4. You can specify a template and charge code only if the message is a fax.
  5. You can enter the message body text by pressing Message.
  6. You can enter the message recipients by pressing Recipients. If you do not add recipients to the message, the message is always forwarded to the client service, for example, Outlook.
Printing or sending the message

Click Continue to start the printing.

Printing at a specified date and time

Enter the date and the time in the Date and Time fields of the Select Device (ttstpsplopen ) session.

Document date

LN prints the report creation date and time on the document. This is the date and time when the data is retrieved from the database. The document date is independent of the date and time when the report is actually printed.