Easy filtering

Easy filtering allows you to enter filter criteria on the column headings of an overview session.

To start easy filtering

To make easy filtering available, click the [...] button. Filter fields appear in each column heading.

If you activate Instant Filtering, the filtering criteria immediately take effect. If you deactivate Instant Filtering, the filtering criteria take effect after you leave the filter area.

To define a filter

To define a filter on a column, enter a value in the filter field on the column heading. Optionally, you use filter operators in a filter value.


The Addresses (tccom4530m000) session has a City Description field. If you enter Casablanca in this filter field, the session displays only the addresses with the City Description field "Casablanca".

Operators in fields with codes and textual values

On columns with codes and textual values, the filter selects all records with values that start with the value of the filter field. This selection is not case sensitive.


If you enter c in the filter field for the City Description column, the session displays all records with a value for the City Description field that starts with the letter C, such as, Cairo, Canberra, Caracas, Chicago.


On columns with codes and textual values, you can use filters with wildcards. You can use these wildcard symbols:

  • . (represents any character)
  • * (represents a series of arbitrary characters)

The filter value TZ.03 selects TZA03, TZB03, TZC03, and so on.

The filter value A*B selects all values that start with A, followed by zero or more arbitrary characters, followed by B, (optionally followed by more characters).

On columns with codes and textual values, you can use the >, <, <=, >=, and <> operators. This table shows how these operators are used:

>TEXTSelects values that come alphabetically after TEXT.
>=TEXTSelects the value TEXT and all values that come alphabetically after TEXT.
<TEXTSelects values that come alphabetically before TEXT.
<=TEXTSelects the value TEXT and all values that come alphabetically before TEXT.
<>TEXTSelects all values that do not start with TEXT.



Filter operations with these operators are case sensitive.

Operators in fields with numeric values

On columns with numeric values, you can use the >, <, <=, >=, and <> operators. This table shows how these operators are used:

>123.450Selects values that are greater than 123.45
>=123.450Selects values that are greater than or equal to 123.45
<123.450Selects values that are less than 123.45
<=123.450Selects values that are less than or equal to 123.45
<>123.450Selects all values that are unequal to 123.45


Fields with date values

Click the calendar icon, to open the calendar and select a date.

You can enter relative dates. For example, -7 represents one week ago and +2 represents the day after tomorrow.

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