Examples of conditions in filters

In the following examples, the displayed addresses are the records that are displayed in the overview session if you apply the filter.

SessionAddresses (tccom4530m000)
Field NameZIP Code/Postal Code
ConditionValueDisplayed addresses are all the addresses of which the postal code:
is (exactly)7330 ACis 7330 AC
equals or after7300 AAis 7300 AA or greater
equals or before7999 ZZis 7999 ZZ or less
is after7330 ACis greater than 7330 AC
is before7330 ACis less than 7330 AC
is not7330 ACis different from 7330 AC
in7330 AC,is 7330 AC, 7335 KB, or 7364 ML
7335 KB,
7364 ML
not in7330 AC,is not 7330 AC, 7335 KB, or 7364 ML
7335 KB,
7364 ML
containsAAcontains AA
doesn't containAAdoes not contain AA