Operators used in filters

If you define a filter, you can use these operators to specify the conditions for the fields of the filtered records:

OperatorDescriptionAvailable for fields of datatype
is (exactly)

The value of the field is exactly equal to the specified value. You must specify a complete value.

String, Numeric, Date/UTC, Enumerate

is not

The value of the field is unequal to the specified value. You must specify a complete value.

String, Numeric, Date/UTC, Enumerate

starts with

The contents of the field start with the specified characters.


does not start with

The contents of the field do not start with the specified characters.


equals or after

The value of the field is the same as or greater than the specified value. You can specify part of a search string.


equals or before

The value of the field is the same as or less than the specified value. You can specify part of a search string.


is after

The value of the field is greater than the specified value. You can specify part of a search string.


is before

The value of the field is lower than the specified value. You can specify part of a search string.



The contents of the field contain the specified characters.


doesn't contain

The contents of the field do not contain the specified characters.



The value of the field is equal to one of the specified values. You must specify one or more complete values, separated by commas.

String, Numeric, Enumerate

not in

The value of the field is unequal to any of the specified values. You must specify one or more complete values, separated by commas.

String, Numeric, Enumerate

is more than

The value of the field is greater than the specified value.


is less than

The value of the field is less than the specified value.


is at least

The value of the field is greater than or equal to the specified value.


is at most

The value of the field is less than or equal to the specified value.



The date and time stored in the field is after the specified date and time.



The date and time stored in the field is before the specified date and time.


on or after

The date and time stored in the field is equal to, or after, the specified date and time.


on or before

The date and time stored in the field is equal to, or before, the specified date and time.
