Overview of filters

To display a specific subset of records in an overview session, you can define a filter and apply the filter to the session. A filter consists of one or more conditions that the displayed records fulfill. For example, in the Sales Orders (tdsls4100m000) session, you can define a filter to display only the sales orders from a specific business partner that were created after a specific date and time.

In general, two types of filtering are available:

  • Easy filtering

    Allows you to enter filter criteria on the column headings of an overview session.

  • Advanced filtering

    Allows you do define complex filters and store these filters for later use. You can define these filters for personal use and an administrator can define filters for system-wide use. Each filter is identified by a name.

Easy filtering

To make easy filtering available, click the [...] button. New filter fields appear in each column heading.

To use easy filtering after you made easy filtering available, enter a value in a filter field.

If you apply an advanced filter first, and then activate easy filtering and enter a filter criterion on a column, the advanced filtering criteria on the same column are lost.

For more information, refer to Easy filtering.

Advanced filtering

You can filter the records on the fields that:

  • Are stored in the session's main table.
  • Are displayed in both the overview session and the details session.

You can create a filter and save it so that you can reuse the filter when you need it. For example, in the Sales Orders (tdsls4100m000) session, you can define filters to display the sales orders of each of your business partners, and save the filters. When you start the Sales Orders (tdsls4100m000) session, you can select one of the filters to display the sales orders of one business partner.

You can set up a default filter. When you start the session, LN automatically applies the default filter.

You can add a sort order to a filter. LN displays the filtered records in the specified sort order. For example, if you specify a filter in the Sales Orders (tdsls4100m000) session, you can sort the sales orders by sales office.

Usually, a filter is only available for the user who created the filter. However, a superuser can publish a filter so that the filter becomes available for all users. Published filters appear in the Filter menu with (public) added to the filter name. Normal users cannot change published filters.

If a normal user uses the Edit command on the Filter menu to modify a published filter, the filter appears, but all maintain options are unavailable.


If the records in a session are filtered, LN displays the name of the applied filter in the session title bar.

If the Filter button is not available, you cannot apply a filter to the session.