Personalization Workbench (ttstppers)

Use this workbench to personalize form tabs, field groups, fields, and grid columns in detail sessions and overview sessions.

After you created, modified, or removed personalizations, you must restart the session that was changed.

Personalizations that are created through this workbench are only stored on the level of the current user. To publish personalizations to, for example, role or company levels, use the Session Personalizations (ttadv9100m000) session.


Through form personalization you might accidentally change the form in such a way that it becomes unusable. For example, the application logic might expect fields to be in a certain order; this order might be broken if you move the fields to a different position. Infor does not guarantee that all personalizations, which are possible through the workbench, result in a usable and properly functioning session. Therefore we recommend that you test the functionality of the form after personalizations are done.

The workbench consists of these areas:

  • Canvas
  • Object overview pane
  • Object properties pane
Sort order

Session personalizations are stored by sort order. Personalizations that are created for sort order 1 are not visible if you start the session with sort order 2.

When you personalize an existing sort order, a custom view is created:

  • If there are no personalizations for the custom view, then the personalizations for the original sort order are used.
  • If personalizations for the view are present, then these personalizations are used.
Fields in multiple form areas

Several sessions contain multiple form areas, such as a view area and a grid with columns. Only the fields of the area that has the focus are displayed in the Fields pane. To view the properties of the fields in another area, select a field in that other area. For example:

  • You select a field in the view area. Only the fields of the view area are displayed in the Fields pane.
  • You select a field in the grid. Only the fields of the grid are displayed in the Fields pane.
Initially hidden fields

Several sessions contain fields that are initially hidden. These fields are not displayed on the canvas. To show these fields on the canvas, on the global toolbar, select Actions > Display Hidden objects. These fields are now displayed, with a dotted green border, only on the canvas. They are still hidden in the personalized session. To unhide a hidden field, select the field and, in the properties pane, clear the Hidden check box.

Customer defined fields

For customer defined fields, this information is displayed in the object properties pane:

  • FieldName
  • State and style attributes
  • Referred from

After personalizing a customer defined field, the field is displayed with this FieldName label:

CDFn, where n is the sequence number in the "referred from" table.

When you personalize a customer defined field, we recommend that you change the FieldName label to a meaningful name. Use a functional description that contains the name of the "referred from" table, so that users can understand the meaning of the field.


The canvas is the main working area of the workbench; it shows the form that is being changed. Use your mouse to interact with objects on the canvas.

You can perform these actions:

  • Select an object

    To select an object, left-click the object.

    Dependent on the form definition, you can select these object types:

    • Fields
    • Grid columns
    • Groups
    • Tabs

    To select multiple objects of the same type, hold Ctrl while clicking each object individually.

  • Drag an object to another position on the form

    To drag and drop objects, hold the left mouse button. To drag fields, groups, and columns across tabs, hover over the tab title while dragging an object.

  • Open the object’s shortcut menu

    To open a shortcut menu with object-specific actions, right-click an object.

    The canvas itself also has a shortcut menu. To open this menu, right-click the canvas when no objects are selected.

Object overview pane

This pane shows a table view of the form that is being changed. The table only shows objects of the same type as the object that is selected on the canvas. So, the table only shows fields, columns, groups, or tabs.

If you select an item in the table, related actions become available in the overview toolbar.

The first column shows the name of the object. Columns to the right show eventual containers, that is, groups or tabs, of the object.

To sort a column, click on it. To filter a column, use its text filter.

Depending on the selected object type, the table can have multiple filter tabs:

  • All

    All objects of the selected type in the form

  • Hidden

    All objects of the selected type in the form that are hidden or that are hidden by their container objects

  • Personalized

    All objects of the selected type that contain any active personalization

  • CDF

    All customer defined fields

Object properties pane

This pane shows the active properties for the object that is currently selected. You can change the properties in the pane. Changes are reflected on the form canvas. The panes are linked, so the selection on the canvas is also selected in the overview pane. If a single object is selected, its properties are displayed in the properties pane. If no objects, or multiple objects, are selected, the properties pane is empty.

Workbench actions

This table shows the actions that you can perform on the different object types:

Fields, groups, columns, tabsChange the label textIn the properties pane, specify the new label text.
FieldsFormat the objectTo make the font bold, italic, or large, select the appropriate check boxes in the properties pane. To change the color of the field, use the color picker in the properties pane.
FieldsSpecify whether the saved default is applicableFor print sessions and processing sessions, you can store the current field values as defaults in the session personalization.

When you run a print session or processing session, these saved defaults are not used by default.

To ensure the saved default for a field is used when you run the session, select the Apply check box in the Field Properties pane.

Fields, columnsChange the object stateTo make a field read-only or mandatory, or to reset it to its default state, select the appropriate options in the properties pane.

This setting only applies for fields that were not mandatory or read-only in the default form.

Fields, groups, columns, tabsHide or unhide the objectIn the properties pane, select or clear the Hidden check box.

In the overview pane, select Actions > Hide Selected Objects or Actions > Unhide Selected Objects.

On the canvas, right-click a selected object and select Hide Selected Objects or Unhide Selected Objects.

When hiding a group or a tab, all its content objects receive the Hidden by Parent state.

Fields, groups, columns, tabsRemove all personalizations from objectIn the overview pane, select Actions > Remove Personalizations. All personalizations for the object are removed.

On the canvas, right-click a selected object and select Remove Personalizations.

Fields, groups, columns, tabsMove objectOn the canvas, drag the object to the desired position. Possible positions are indicated by thick black lines that are displayed when you drag the object over a valid drop location.

To move the object to another tab, drag over that tab to navigate to it.

Alternatively, use the up and down arrow buttons on the overview toolbar to move the object.

After moving fields to another tab, you cannot personalize the fields in WorkTop anymore.

ColumnsFreeze or unfreeze column

In the overview pane, select Actions > Freeze this column or Actions > Unfreeze this column.

On the canvas, right-click a selected object and select Freeze this column or Unfreeze this column.

GlobalRemove all personalizationsOn the global toolbar, select Actions > Remove All Personalizations. The default form is restored.
GlobalDisplay hidden objectsOn the global toolbar, select Actions > Display Hidden Objects. Hidden fields are made visible on the canvas; they have a dotted green border.

Right-click on the canvas when no objects are selected and select Display Hidden Objects.

GlobalConditional formattingOn the global toolbar, select Actions > Start Conditional Formatting. The Conditional Formatting (ttadv9502m000) session starts.
GlobalUndo/redoOn the global toolbar, click Undo or Redo. You can undo or redo a maximum of 20 actions.
GlobalRevert to savedOn the global toolbar, click Revert to Saved. The last saved state of the form is restored.
GlobalClear SelectionOn the overview toolbar, select Actions > Clear Selection. All selected objects on the canvas and in the overview are cleared.

On the canvas, right-click anywhere and select Clear Selection.