Files (ttspt2530m000)

Use this session to view the log files created during the execution of a data upgrade task.

You can also view files generated by the Call Graph Profiler.

To view the content of a file, double-click the file in the grid. Alternatively, select the file and, on the Zusatzoptionen menu, select View File.


Sequence Number

The sequence number of the file.


The sub-task to which the file belongs.

Full Path Name

The full path name of the file.

File Time Stamp

The date and time the file was updated for the last time.

File Size

The size of the file.

Readable Format

If this check box is selected, the file content has a readable format such as ASCII. To read the file, double-click the file or run the View File command.

If this check box is cleared, the file is not readable. If you double-click the file or run the View File command, you are prompted to convert the file to a readable format. If you do not convert the file, the file's unconverted content is displayed.


View File

Shows the content of the selected file.

Convert File(s)

Converts the selected files to a readable format.