Translations (ttpmc4610m000)

Mit diesem Programm process translations.


Translation-related sessions, fields, statuses, and commands are only available on our internal translation server.

To log on to a translation server, specify this command in the LN environment connection settings: -set TRANSLATION_SERVER=1

Alternatively, add this line in $BSE\lib\bse_vars:



Before you can use this composite session, these prerequisites must be met:

  1. Translation languages must have been specified. See Translation Languages (ttpmc4101m000).
  2. Translation parameters must have been specified. See Translation Parameters (ttpmc4100s000).
  3. For each update VRC, the export VRC of the base VRC must be identical to the update VRC.
  4. Your current package VRC must be part of your package combination.
  5. You must be authorized to use the relevant PMC sessions.

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