Solutions by Installation Run (ttpmc2504m000)

Mit diesem Programm manage the solutions that are linked to an installation run.


Installation Run

In PMC, a group of solutions that were installed together. This can be a range of solutions, a solution with pre-requisites, or a combination of both.

Update VRC

A physical VRC at the PMC recipient side in which updates are installed. Every update VRC has a base VRC linked.

Solution Code

The code of a solution that is linked to an installation run.

Superseding Solution

The code of a superseding solution, if a superseding solution is present.

Status Recipient

The following statuses indicate the progress of the installation or uninstallation of a solution or Patch.

These statuses are only used at the recipient side, and must not be confused with the Solution status distributor at the distributor side.

  • Available
    The solution or patch is scanned and available on the system.
  • To Install
    The solution or patch is checked and is ready to be installed.
  • Saving

    A backup of the components is being saved.

    This status is not applicable for patches.

  • Installing
    During the installing process the solution or patch has this status.
  • Installed
    The solution or patch is installed.
  • To Uninstall
    The solution or patch is checked to be uninstalled.
  • Uninstalling
    During the uninstalling process, the solution or patch has this status.

The translation run status of the solution.


Translation-related sessions, fields, statuses, and commands are only available on our internal translation server.

To log on to a translation server, specify this command in the LN environment connection settings: -set TRANSLATION_SERVER=1

Alternatively, add this line in $BSE\lib\bse_vars:


Forced To Release

Wenn dieses Kontrollkästchen markiert ist, the release was forced without translation.

Wenn dieses Kontrollkästchen nicht markiert ist, the release was not forced.


Translation-related sessions, fields, statuses, and commands are only available on our internal translation server.

To log on to a translation server, specify this command in the LN environment connection settings: -set TRANSLATION_SERVER=1

Alternatively, add this line in $BSE\lib\bse_vars:


Release Forced

If the release was forced, this field shows the date the solution was forced.


Translation-related sessions, fields, statuses, and commands are only available on our internal translation server.

To log on to a translation server, specify this command in the LN environment connection settings: -set TRANSLATION_SERVER=1

Alternatively, add this line in $BSE\lib\bse_vars:


Forced Release User

If the release was forced, this field shows the user that forced the release.


Translation-related sessions, fields, statuses, and commands are only available on our internal translation server.

To log on to a translation server, specify this command in the LN environment connection settings: -set TRANSLATION_SERVER=1

Alternatively, add this line in $BSE\lib\bse_vars:




Starts the Dependencies (ttpmc1541m000) session.

Solution History
Force Release...

Forces the selected solution to be released.

This command is only enabled if these conditions are met:

  • Only one record is selected.
  • The installation run is linked to a translation run.
  • The status is not “Completed”.

Note: Translation-related sessions, fields, statuses, and commands are only available on our internal translation server.

To log on to a translation server, specify this command in the LN environment connection settings: -set TRANSLATION_SERVER=1

Alternatively, add this line in $BSE\lib\bse_vars: