Installation runs (ttpmc2503m000)

Use this session to display all installation runs. From this session, you can use several options on the solutions that are installed with an installation run.

This session is part of the composite Translations (ttpmc4610m000) session.

Use the Zusatzoptionen menu to run a specific option for a marked installation run. See the form command help.

Select one or more installation runs and click Print to print the corresponding data. See Print Installation Runs (ttpmc2403m000).


Installation Run

In PMC, a group of solutions that were installed together. This can be a range of solutions, a solution with pre-requisites, or a combination of both.

Update VRC

A physical VRC at the PMC recipient side in which updates are installed. Every update VRC has a base VRC linked.

Solution From/To

The range of solutions that is included in the installation run.


The date the installation run was created.


The time the installation run was created.


The user who created the installation run.

Installation Run Status

The status of the installation run.

Translation Run

The translation run to which the installation run is linked. A translation run is a collection of installation runs.


Translation-related sessions, fields, statuses, and commands are only available on our internal translation server.

To log on to a translation server, specify this command in the LN environment connection settings: -set TRANSLATION_SERVER=1

Alternatively, add this line in $BSE\lib\bse_vars:


Translation status

The translation status.

Zulässige Werte

Translation Status


Translation-related sessions, fields, statuses, and commands are only available on our internal translation server.

To log on to a translation server, specify this command in the LN environment connection settings: -set TRANSLATION_SERVER=1

Alternatively, add this line in $BSE\lib\bse_vars:




Shows the solutions that are installed with this installation run.

Check Installed Solutions

Starts the Check Installed Solutions (ttpmc2209s000) session. Prints the Check Solutions report again for all solutions that were installed with this installation run.

Check to Uninstall

Starts the Check Solution/Patch to Uninstall (ttpmc2206s000) session. Checks all solutions of the installation run whether the solutions can be uninstalled.

Note that if you installed a patch with this installation run, and this patch is not opened by providing the password, you cannot use this session to uninstall the patch. In this case, use the Process Patches (ttpmc2102m000) session.


Starts the Uninstall Solution/Patch (ttpmc2208s000) session. Uninstalls all solutions of the installation run, provided that the solutions received the status To Uninstall during the execution of the Check Solution/Patch to Uninstall (ttpmc2206s000) session.


Restarts a failing PMC installation or uninstallation. Select the appropriate installation run before you use this action.

Don't Display Empty Runs

If you select this command or press Shift+E, the session shows only the installation runs that are not empty. An empty installation run means that all solutions of this installation run have been uninstalled.

Display All Runs

If you select this command or press Shift+A, the session shows all installation runs.

Link to Translation Run...

Adds the selected records to a translation run (ttpmc4511m000).

Opens a dialog box version of the Translation Runs (ttpmc4510m000) session, where you can create or select a translation record. The installation run records can only be linked to a translation run that is not, or not partly, completed.

This command is only enabled if these conditions are met:

  • The records have status “Ready”.
  • The records have the same update VRC.
  • The Translation Run column has value 0.
  • At least one record is selected.
  • The records have translatable components in the solutions of the installation run.
  • No previous installation run with the same update VRC exists, which is not completed and not selected.

Note: Translation-related sessions, fields, statuses, and commands are only available on our internal translation server.

To log on to a translation server, specify this command in the LN environment connection settings: -set TRANSLATION_SERVER=1

Alternatively, add this line in $BSE\lib\bse_vars:


Release Installation Run...

Releases the selected records for cloud delivery.

This command is only enabled if these conditions are met:

  • The records have status “Ready”.
  • The records have the same update VRC.
  • The Translation Run column has value 0.
  • The records have no translatable components in the solutions of the installation run.
  • No previous installation run with the same update VRC exists, which is not completed and not selected.

Note: Translation-related sessions, fields, statuses, and commands are only available on our internal translation server.

To log on to a translation server, specify this command in the LN environment connection settings: -set TRANSLATION_SERVER=1

Alternatively, add this line in $BSE\lib\bse_vars: