Post-Release Dependencies (ttpmc1141m000)

Use this session to add dependencies to a solution that was already released.

You can start this session through the Post-Release Dependencies command in the Solutions (ttpmc1100m000) session. You can only start this session for "non-obsolete” solutions with the Released status. You can add post-requisite and pre-requisite dependencies.

You cannot remove rows by just deleting them. This is because when a dependency has been added by accident, this dependency maybe has already arrived at customer sites. Instead of removing a row, you can set the Active field from Active to Obsolete. At the customer site, this has the same effect as deleting the row.

Verwandte Themen

  • "PMC solutions check" in the Infor Enterprise Server - Administration Guide


Base VRC

A means in PMC to identify products in a unique way. Updates at the distributor side are provided with the base VRC identifier. A base VRC can contain the code of the physical VRC in which the related master product is installed, for example, B61_a, but can also be a code not related to a physical VRC, for example, 7.6_a_tt. At the recipient side, every update VRC is linked to a base VRC identifier. The installation process checks if the base VRC identifier of the update matches with the base VRC identifier of the update VRC. If not, you cannot install the update in that update VRC.

Solution Code

A unique identification of the solution in a base VRC.


The solution or patch with which a dependency relation exists.

Verwandte Themen


In PMC, the relation between solutions.

Dependencies are defined at the PMC distributor side and are part of the meta data of a PMC solution. Dependencies guarantee that PMC solutions are installed in the correct configuration and sequence at the PMC recipient side.

The following values indicate the dependency type between solutions.

For a post-release dependency, these dependency types are available:

  • Pre-requisites
  • Post-requisites

You can only install solutions that are dependent on other solutions if the other solutions are already present, or are also installed. In contrary to normal dependencies, the post-release dependencies are NOT part of the dump of the solution being created. After publishing, a separate PMCDepend file per base VRC is created. Therefore, this dependency is only known at the recipient side after this PMCDepend file is scanned.


The default value for this field is “Add”. This value cannot be changed as long as the row is not committed to the database.



Creates a PMCDepend file per base VRC, separate from the already created PMC solution. The PMCDepend file is stored in the publish directory of PMC.