Configuration Multilanguage Fields Support (CE)

Before you start the configuration of Multilanguage Fields Support, it is recommended you create a backup of the application data. For example, you can extract your application data through the Create Sequential Dump of Table (ttaad4226m000) session.

Schritt 1. Enable support for Multilanguage Fields

To enable support for Multilanguage fields:

  1. Start the Parameters Multi Language Support (ttadv4106m000) session.
  2. Select the Multi Language Fields Support check box.
  3. Use the All Data Languages Always Available check box to specify whether all language variants should be read:

    • Wenn dieses Kontrollkästchen markiert ist, then for multibyte fields that are “Multi Data Language Enabled” all language variants are read.

      This might result in reduced performance in sessions with multilanguage fields.

    • Wenn dieses Kontrollkästchen nicht markiert ist, then only the language variants of the user's language are read. When a report is printed, the application can select the language that is read from the database or force to read all languages.
  4. Save the changes and close the session.
Schritt 2. Define data languages

To define data languages:

  1. Start the Data Languages (ttaad1111m000) session.
  2. Define the desired data languages. A data language consists of an ISO 639-1 language code and, optionally, an ISO 3166-1 country code. You can zoom to the ISO 639 Languages (ttaad1512m000) session and the ISO 3166-1 Countries (ttaad1513m000) session.
  3. Define the base language: Select a data language and, on the Zusatzoptionen menu, click Make Base Language.

    Note: The base language is used as a fall back language. Application data is displayed in the base language if both of the following scenarios occur:

    • No data language is defined in the user data of an LN user.
    • No data language is linked to the user's software language.
  4. Convert the data languages to the runtime data dictionary. On the Zusatzoptionen menu, click Convert Data Languages to Runtime. The conversion process generates the $BSE/lib/data_langs file.


    • Only perform this step if you are sure you no longer want to change the base language. See the restrictions listed in the online help of the Data Languages (ttaad1111m000) session.
    • During the conversion to runtime, all users must be logged off.
    • When the conversion to runtime has finished, you must restart the LN environment.
  5. Close the session.

Data Languages have a status that is used to control their life cycle. For details, refer to "Life cycle of a data language" in the online help of the Data Languages (ttaad1111m000) session.

Schritt 3. Link data languages to software languages

You must link data languages to the corresponding software languages.

To link a data language to a software language:

  1. Start the Software Languages (ttaad1510m000) session.
  2. To start the Software Languages (ttaad1110s000) session, double-click a software language. In the Data Language field, enter the desired data language.


    • You can zoom to the Data Languages (ttaad1111m000) session.
    • You can only select data languages with status "Base Language" and "Available".
    • If you leave the Data Language field blank, LN displays the application data in the data language defined in the user data of an LN user, or in the base language.
  3. Save the changes and close the sessions.

To ensure that application software and application data are displayed in the same language, link the data languages to the software languages.

Schritt 4. Register Multilanguage Tables and Table Fields

Register the tables and table fields that must be multilanguage enabled.

  1. Start the Registered Tables with Multi Language Fields (ttadv4137m000) session.
  2. Add the tables you want to be Multilanguage Enabled.
  3. Per table, specify whether all languages should be read for records from the table:

    • If all languages should be read, select the All Data Languages Always Available check box.
    • Otherwise, clear this check box.


    • If all data languages are always available, this might result in reduced performance in sessions with multilanguage fields.
    • Whether you can clear this check box depends on the application feature pack version.
    • The All Data Languages Always Available setting is saved in the data dictionary of the table. Therefore, after a change in this setting, a conversion to runtime for tables is required.
  4. Double-click a table. The Registered Multi Language Fields (ttadv4138m000) session starts.
  5. For each field you want to be multilanguage enabled, select the Enabled check box.
  6. Save the changes and close the sessions.
Schritt 5. Convert to runtime

To convert the multilanguage settings to the runtime data dictionary:

  1. Start the Manage Operational Status (ttmtm3501m000) session.
  2. Click Admin Only to switch the environment to Admin only mode.

    In this mode, normal users can no longer log on to the environment. Users that were already logged on are forcibly logged off.

  3. Start the Convert to Runtime Data Dictionary (ttadv5215m000) session.
  4. Select the Tables check box and the Reconfigure Tables check box.
  5. For packages and tables, specify the appropriate selection ranges.
  6. Click Convert to Runtime

  7. Optionally, start the User Data (ttaad2500m000) session, and define a data language per user. The data language specified in the user data takes precedence over the data language linked to a software language. For more information, see "Language types" in Multilanguage application data (CE).

  8. To actualize the related domain and table definition changes, reinitialize the shared memory:
    1. Log off.
    2. Wait for two minutes, so that the shared memory can be stopped correctly.

    3. Log on again. The shared memory is reinitialized.

      Do not stop the logon process by closing the browser (tab) during the logon process. You must wait until the LN menu is visible.

  9. Start the Manage Operational Status (ttmtm3501m000) session.
  10. Click Bring Online to bring the environment online again, so that normal users can log on again.

If you use the DEM Content Pack with LN, consider using the MAA0050 (Multi Data Languages for Descriptions) wizard to set up multilanguage support. You can execute this predefined wizard from the Wizards by Project Model (tgwzr4502m000) session after you specified the business function model for your company.