Date and time formatting in LN UI (OP)

LN UI can run stand-alone or as a plug-in in Infor Ming.le.

Using LN UI stand-alone

If you use LN UI stand-alone, then the date/time display format is determined by the browser or by the LN user data settings. This depends on the Custom Date Time Format setting in the User Data Template (ttams1110m000) session:

  • If the Custom Date Time Format check box is selected, then the date time format that is configured in the user data template is used.
  • Wenn dieses Kontrollkästchen nicht markiert ist, then the date/time display format is derived from the language preference of your browser. If this is not supported, then the American English date/time display format is used.
Using LN UI within Infor Ming.le

If LN UI runs within Infor Ming.le, then the date/time display format is determined by Infor Ming.le or LN user data settings. This depends on the Custom Date Time Format setting in the User Data Template (ttams1110m000) session:

  • If the Custom Date Time Format check box is selected, then the date time format that is configured in the user data template is used.
  • Wenn dieses Kontrollkästchen nicht markiert ist, then the date/time display format is derived from the Locale user setting in Infor Ming.le. If this is not supported, then the American English date/time display format is used.