Processing translations


Translation-related sessions, fields, statuses, and commands are only available on our internal translation server.

To log on to a translation server, specify this command in the LN environment connection settings: -set TRANSLATION_SERVER=1

Alternatively, add this line in $BSE\lib\bse_vars:


  1. Start the Translations (ttpmc4610m000) session.
  2. In the Installation Runs panel, select an installation run. Then, on the Zusatzoptionen menu, select Link to Translation Run....
  3. In the Translation Runs panel, select a translation run. Then, on the Zusatzoptionen menu, select Export LTS Files. An XML file is generated.
  4. The translation department translates the contents of this file and delivers a new, translated, XML file.
  5. Start the Translations (ttpmc4610m000) session.
  6. In the Languages panel, select the language into which the file should be imported. Then, on the Zusatzoptionen menu, select Import LTS File....
  7. Verify the imported content. If the result is OK, then continue with the next step.
  8. Start the Translations (ttpmc4610m000) session. In the Languages panel, on the Zusatzoptionen menu, select Approve Translation....
  9. Complete one of these steps:
    • If the status of the language is ‘completed’ in previous translation runs for the same update VRC, and you do not have to make modifications to the solution, select Generate and Export Translation Solution.... The solution for the language, with its dependencies, is created and exported.
    • If the status of the language is not ‘completed’ in previous translation runs for the same update VRC, complete these steps:
      1. Select Generate Translation Solution.... The solution for the language, with its dependencies, is created but not exported.

        Note: You can only select Generate Translation Solution.... You cannot select Generate and Export Translation Solution.... Before you can export this solution, you must first export the solutions of previous translation runs for the same update VRC.

      2. Optionally, use the ttpmc sessions to modify and extend the solution.
      3. In the Translation Runs panel, select the translation run. On the Zusatzoptionen menu, select Export Translation Solutions.... All language solutions with status “Generated” are exported and released. The status is set to “Completed”. If all languages have status “Completed”, also a .transok file is created for each solution of the translation run. Therefore, the solutions are ready to be sent to the cloud server.
Forcing a release for individual solutions or for translation solutions

You may want to force a release for individual solutions or for translation solutions:

  • For individual solutions, Solutions by Installation Run (ttpmc2504m000), you may force a release although translations are not yet ready. Only do this if this really cannot wait. The solution and all its dependencies are forced to release.
  • For translation solutions, Translation Runs (ttpmc4510m000), you may force a release although translations for some languages are not yet ready. Only do this if this really cannot wait. Only the generated and completed language solutions are forced to release.