To create an initial MMT session

Schritt 1. Create MMT header session

Start the Sessions (ttadv2500m000) session and create an MMT header session.

Points of attention are:

  • Select the Multi Main Table Window Type.
  • Specify a details session as Synchronized Dialog for the MMT header session. For example, specify the Order Header details session as synchronized dialog for the Order MMT header session. Users can start this session through the Details command in the MMT header session.
  • In the Label of Object field, select the label that must be used in the header session's menu items. For details, see Labels for MMT Header and Satellite sessions.
Schritt 2. Customize the MMT header session
  • Edit the form of the MMT header session. Only include those fields, which are most probably needed for entering a new record. All other relevant properties will be specified in the Synchronized Dialog. The synchronized dialog will be shown in a separate window.
  • Make sure that the MMT session will fit into Web UI. Web UI supports 1024x768, but since the sessions are hosted within Web UI, they should be a bit smaller. Try your session in Web UI to see if it fits. To maximize a ERP session within Web UI, press ALT+F11. That way you will see the session full screen.
  • The fields specified in the dynamic form of the MMT header session are displayed in the upper part of the MMT session, above the satellite tabs. By default these fields should be read-only. They should only be accessible when a new record is inserted in the header session. To achieve this, use 'add.set' in the program script.

For details on form editing, see Dynamic sessions and dynamic forms.

For details on program scripts, see Program Scripts Overview and the Infor ES Programmer's Guide.

Schritt 3. Define Label of Object for each satellite

Edit the properties of each satellite session in the Sessions (ttadv2100s000) details session. In the Label of Object field, select the label that must be used in the satellite's tab description and menu items. For details see Labels for MMT Header and Satellite sessions.

Schritt 4. Link satellites to MMT Header session

Link the desired satellites to the new MMT header session:

  • Select the MMT header session in the Sessions (ttadv2500m000) session, and subsequently, on the Zusatzoptionen menu, click MMT Satellite Sessions.
  • The Satellite Sessions (ttadv3110m000) session is started. Specify the satellites that must be linked. Per satellite, you must enter the field relations that are used to synchronize the MMT header session with the satellite session:
    • For each variable to be synchronized, specify the name of the relevant field in the header's main table, followed by the name of the corresponding field in the main table of the satellite. For example: specify the Order Number field from the Order Headers table and the Order Number field from the Order Lines table.
    • You can use the Generate Field Mapping command to define a default field mapping, based on field names and domains. This generated field mapping is not always correct and complete!
Schritt 5. Create/modify program scripts and DAL scripts

The MMT header session and the satellite sessions are separate sessions. Therefore you have to define a program script (UI script) for each of them, and optionally modify the DAL scripts of the corresponding tables. Other session components, such as Reports, Text fields and Indices must also be defined per session.

When a satellite tab is activated the first time, the corresponding session is started and its startup-sections (before.program,, are called as usually.

The program script of the satellite session can run in two modes:

  • Stand-alone mode
    This is the ‘normal’ mode; used when the session is executed as stand-alone session.
  • Satellite mode
    This is the special MMT mode. Use the is.mmt.satellite() statement to check whether a session is running as an MMT satellite session. You can program different behavior for the satellite mode if required.

In the satellite mode you can perform the following actions:

  • Hide fields
    Hide certain form fields since they are not relevant in the satellite mode. Note however that there is only one form for both modes and that you must define all fields, that you want to use in either one of them, in the form.
  • Enable/disable satellite
    Enable or disable a satellite within an MMT session in a particular case. The tab of a disabled satellite is still visible in the MMT session, but cannot be selected or accessed. To disable a satellite, use the disable.satellite() function, to enable it use enable.satellite(). You must call these functions from the global section in the header session's program script.
  • Hide/unhide satellite
    Hide a particular satellite using the satellite.invisible() function. Advantage of this method is that you can still make the satellite visible at runtime (e.g. you can check authorizations and subsequently hide/unhide satellites for specific users). You cannot hide/unhide satellites dynamically based on the availability of data in a satellite.

For details on program scripts and DAL, see Program Scripts Overview, DAL 1 Overview, DAL 2 Overview and to the Infor ES Programmer's Guide.