| Text Maintenance ProceduresThe Text Management module contains sessions to maintain texts.
You can remove texts that are no longer used and specify unique text number
ranges for the text groups. Hinweis Only the most important steps in the procedures are described.
For detailed instructions on how to enter data in the sessions that are
mentioned in the procedure steps, refer to the online help of the
sessions. To create a range of text numbers You can use the text numbers to exchange text with LN 's Exchange module
between different locations or sites. Make sure that for each site you define
unique ranges for the text groups to avoid conflicts with identical text
numbers on different sites. For more information on the Exchange tool, refer to Introduction to the Exchange module and to the Infor LN Exchange – Anwenderhandbuch. - On the LN Tools menu, select Text Management > Text Maintenance > Text
Number Range by Text Group. The Text Number Range by Text Group (tttxt0130m000) session appears.
- On the toolbar, click the New button. In the Text Group field, enter the text groups for which you want to create a range of text
- In the From field, type the first number in the range of
text numbers for the text group.
- In the To field, type the last number in the range of text
numbers for the text group.
- Click the Save button and then quit the
To remove unused texts Unused texts are texts that are not linked to a record
anymore. A text becomes unused, for example, when you remove the record
(e.g. the Sales Order or the Item) to which the text was linked, or when you
unlink the text from its record (through the Disconnect command in the Text Editor). It is useful to remove the unused texts every now and then, to
avoid pollution in the database. - On the LN Tools menu, select Text Management > Text Maintenance >
Delete or Print Unused Texts. The Delete or Print Unused Texts (tttxt1210m000) session appears.
- Select the language in which LN must perform a
keyword search for the texts to be deleted/printed.
- Specify the selection range(s) for the delete/print process.
You can select the texts by Text Group, Keyword in the selected language, and
by Text number.
- In the Options group box, select the action to
be performed by the session. You can Delete, Print, or Delete and Print the
unused texts. To avoid accidental deletion of texts that should be preserved,
first only print the unused texts. You can then check the resulting list of
unused texts, before deleting them.
- Click Delete/Print.
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