To Model a Business Object

The business object repository (BOR) is a virtual space in which business objects are stored. A business object is an object with a business oriented user interface, that serves as a single entry point to store all the business related data and perform operations on these data.

To model one or more business objects, you must complete several steps. The sessions that are required to perform these steps are mentioned subsequently. Click the links to online Help of the sessions to read more information.

All these sessions are available through the sessions in which they occur previously in the flow, either by double-clicking a record in these sessions, by clicking one of the tabs in these sessions, or though the Zusatzoptionen menu of these sessions.

Schritt 1. Create the Business Object
  1. Start the Business Objects (ttadv7500m000) session.
  2. Select the package and module in which you want to create the business object and click New.

    Session Business Objects (ttadv7100s000) starts, here you can define the basic data of the business object.

Schritt 2. Create the Protected Layer

Some sessions may be used repeatedly.

  1. If the business object has recurring elements, you must define components in the Components (ttadv7117m000) session and the Business Object Components (ttadv7117s000) details session.
  2. Link the tables or forms to the business object:

    • If the business object persistency is based on DAL 2, then link the tables to the business object. If the business object has components, you must link the tables to the business object per component. Use the Tables (ttadv7111m000) session. Besides one or more tables that store the business data, you can define a reference table.
    • If the business object persistency is based on a Session/Form, then the session and, optionally, the corresponding synchronized dialog must be specified per component.
  3. If required, define the details of the relation between a business object or component and its tables. The details are defined by specifying conditions on the values of the fields of the tables in the Business Object Component Table Relations (ttadv7134m000) session.
  4. Create the protected attributes in the Protected Attributes (ttadv7104m000) session. If the business object has components, you must define the protected attributes per component. It is possible to generate a list of all possible protected attributes based on the fields of the linked tables.
  5. Create protected methods using the Protected Methods (ttadv7112m100) session. You can either create standard methods or specific methods. Standard methods can be generated automatically based on the definition of the protected attributes. The arguments of the methods are the protected attributes defined in the previous step.
  6. Create the arguments of the protected methods using the Business Object Method Arguments (ttadv7113m000) session. Note that the arguments of the methods are created automatically if you create or save a new method. So, the main purpose of this step is to correct the arguments, if necessary, that were created automatically. The arguments are saved as XSD files (XML Schema's).
  7. If you use components, and all components are defined, together with their tables, protected attributes and protected methods, you must specify the relation type between the components in the Business Object Component Relations (ttadv7133m000) session and the Business Object Component Relation Details (ttadv7132m000) session.
Schritt 3. Create Business Object Relations

In the steps described in the previous section, the relation between a business objects and its tables, and the relation between the components of a business objects are already mentioned. A third type of relation exists between business objects. This relation is required to retrieve table field values from tables in another business object.

Use the following sessions to define the relations between business objects.

  1. Relationships between Business Objects (ttadv7520m000) and Relationships between Business Objects (ttadv7120s000) In these sessions you can define with which business objects a relation must exists, and what type of relation this is.
  2. Relationship Details (ttadv7119m000) In this session you can specify the details of the relation, which are defined on the components of the business objects.
Schritt 4. Create the Public Layer

This step is only required if you create a public business object.

  1. Create public attributes in the Public Attributes (ttadv7114m000) session. You can either create them manually, or generate all possible public attributes. Attributes that are generated are either based on the protected attributes that are linked to a table field, or they are based on the protected attributes that are not linked to a table field. If you generate them, manual correction may be required, either with respect to the number of the generated attributes, or their properties and/or content.
  2. Create public methods in the Public Methods (ttadv7112m000) session. You can generate standard methods automatically. These methods are used for operations on the tables of the business object, such as read or change. These methods actually call the related protected method, which is not accessible directly by external applications. Specific methods must be created and programmed manually. Refer to Standard/Specific Method for details.
  3. Create the arguments of the public methods in the Business Object Method Arguments (ttadv7113m000) session. For public method arguments, the arguments are always a set of standard arguments: Request, Response and Result. The content of these standard arguments, which are specified as XSD files, can be edited. The XSD files can be generated automatically. Note that the arguments of the methods are created automatically if you create or save a new method. The main purpose of this step is to make the corrections that are often required to the generated arguments.