Possible Values

  • 4GL Report

    A report that is used to print data from the database to a variety of devices (for example, printers, displays, and files).

    A 4GL report must be linked either to an LN print session or to an LN SQL query. The print session or SQL query reads the data from the database tables and the report object prints the data.

    A 4GL report consists of a layout part and, optionally, a report script. You can edit the report layout in the LN 4GL Report Editor.

    Weitere Informationen dazu finden Sie unter 4GL Reports Overview.

    Note: You can convert 4GL reports to XML report designs. Subsequently, you can enhance the report designs in the Infor LN Reporting Studio. Weitere Informationen dazu finden Sie unter Session-based Reporting.

  • Query Based Report

    A report that runs a query, created in the Reporting Studio, to read data from the LN database. The report displays its output in the LN Report Viewer.

    You can edit the report design in the Reporting Studio Report Designer, which offers various useful features. For example, you can create crosstab reports, and add various chart types to your reports.

    Weitere Informationen dazu finden Sie unter Query-based Reporting.

  • Report Library

    A library, which contains shared report elements that are used by query-based reports.

    To edit report libraries, and to link them to query-based reports, use the Reporting Studio.

    Weitere Informationen dazu finden Sie unter. To create report libraries.