Form Commands (ttadv3518m000)

Use this session to list the form commands of a session's form. You can maintain or display the form commands in the Form Commands (ttadv3118s000) details session.



The language of the form command's labels, displayed for the form commands at runtime.


The form's package code.


The form's module code.


The code of the form. Same as the session's code but with a "d" suffix.


The form's version code.


The form's release code.


The form's customer code.


The form command's identification number.

Sort Sequence
Command Type

Determines where users activate the form command from.

Zulässige Werte:

Command Type

Parent (Menu)

If the form command belongs to a parent form command, this field displays the ID of the parent form command. The form command displays as a submenu item of the parent ( Menu form command.

  • The parent form command's Command Type must be Menu.
  • The form command and the parent form command must belong to the same form (listed in the same session).
  • Form commands with the same parent display as a (vertically) cascading submenu.
  • If a form command has a parent, you cannot define the form command as a Menu (in the Activate a field). Therefore, you cannot create a submenu item for a submenu item.
Activate a

Displays what the form command activates.


The code of the session, menu, function, or business method that the form command activates.


The form command's description shown on the Zusatzoptionen menu at run time.


If this check box is selected, when a user zooms to the session, the form command will be included as a button on the session's form.


If this check box is selected, the form command is shown on the details session's Zusatzoptionen menu.

Default Command


Change Category to Action

Changes the command's Category to Action.

Change Category to Reference

Changes the command's Category to Reference.

Change Category to View

Changes the command's Category to View.