Job Data (ttaad5500m000)

Use this session to view the job data, which you can maintain and display in the Job Data (ttaad5100s000) session.

From this session, you can start the Sessions by Job (ttaad5501m000) session to view or maintain the settings of the sessions linked to the job.

You can also use the Job Data (ttaad5500m000) session to start the job.

How you start the job depends on the job’s status:

  • If the job’s status is Free, you can start the job in these ways:
    • Use the Activate Job (ttaad5203m000) session. You can start this session from the Zusatzoptionen menu in the Job Data (ttaad5500m000) session.
    • Use the rc.startjob shell command (UNIX platform)
    • Use the startjob.bat batch file (Windows platform)
  • To start the job with the LN Job Daemon, change the job’s status to In Queue. Before you set the status to In Queue, ensure that all sessions are added to the job (at least one session must be in the job). If the Job Daemon is already running, the job is active when the job status changes to In Queue and the record is saved.

To change the job status to In Queue, click Queue Job on the Zusatzoptionen menu.

See Job Status.

With the commands on the Zusatzoptionen menu, you can start sessions to:

  • View or maintain the settings of the sessions linked to a job
  • Activate a job
  • Put the job in a queue
  • Block a job
  • Cancel a job
  • Release a job



The job identification code.


The LN user ID of the person who created the job.

Use External Schedule

If this check box is selected, an external job scheduler, such as Maestro from UNISON, or an external program, for example, a UNIX crontab starts the job. Therefore, in that case, the calendar/time schedule in the job data is ignored.


If this check box is selected, the job is periodical: the job is started or restarted periodically at a date and time defined in the job calendar or by a regular interval.

Suspend Job Until Next Execution

Indicates whether the periodical job must be executed automatically after last execution. After execution of a periodical job, the next execution date is automatically updated according to the given period and/or calendar date.

If this check box is selected,, the job is suspended until the next execution date. For jobs started by the Activate Job (ttaad5203m000) session, the UNIX shell program rc.startjob, or the Windows batch file startjob.bat, the job’s status is set to Waiting. The job is automatically restarted at every next execution date that is defined in the calendar or by the interval.

If this check box is cleared, the job runs once and is then stopped. For jobs started by the Activate Job (ttaad5203m000) session, the UNIX shell program rc.startjob, or the Windows batch file startjob.bat, the job’s status is set to Free. To restart the job, you must manually start the Activate Job (ttaad5203m000) session, the UNIX shell program rc.startjob, or the Windows batch file startjob.bat.


You can use the Job Data (ttaad5100s000) session to select or clear this check box.

Next Execution Date

The date/time of the next execution of the job. If the job is periodical, this field shows the next date of the calendar or the date corresponding to the given period, after executing the job.


You can specify the dates and times for a calendar in the Dates by Calendar (ttaad5107m000) session.

Last Execution Date

The date on which the job was last executed.


Displays the status of the job.

For details, refer to Job Status.


Activate all sessions

Sets all inactive sessions in the job to Active. You are prompted for confirmation.

This command is available if you select a job with at least one inactive session.

Deactivate all sessions

Sets all active sessions in the job to Not Active. You are prompted for confirmation.

This command is available if you select a job with at least one active session.

When all sessions are set to Not Active, the job's status changes to Free. To change the job's status, you must set at least one session to Active again.