Add Session to Job (ttaad5102s000)

Use this session to add a session to a job.



The job identification code.

Sequence Number

This number determines the order of execution. The sessions with the lowest numbers are executed first. If two sessions have the same sequence number, they are executed in order of session number.


A short description of the session in the job.


If this check box is selected, the session is ready to be executed in the job.

If this check box is cleared, the session is skipped during execution of the job.


The device to which the output of the sessions is sent. When the device type is Append to file or Rewrite file, you can enter a file name in the Output file field.


You cannot send output to a device type Screen.

Output file

The file to which the output of the job is sent. You can only fill this field if the device type is Append to file or Rewrite file.

Action on error

Specify what LN must do, if this session in the job is not terminated successfully.

Nr. of sessions to skip after error

Specify the number of sessions which must be skipped after an error in the session of the job. The Action on error field must be set to Continue.


0 =No sessions will be skipped.
2 =The next two sessions will be skipped; the job continues with the third one.


If the number of sessions to skip is higher than the number of remaining sessions in the job, the job will be stopped.

Nr. of sessions to skip after no error

Number of sessions to skip if this session runs without error.


0 =No sessions will be skipped.
2 =The next two sessions will be skipped; the job continues with the third one.


If the number of sessions to skip is higher than the number of remaining sessions in the job, the job will be stopped.