Business Processes (tgbrg5500m000)

Use this session to list business processes that you can use to create business-process models.

Start the Business Process in Repository (tgbrg5100s000) session to create and maintain business processes.

Verwandte Themen


Current Version

Die Version, die aktuell zum Erstellen und Bearbeiten von Modellierungskomponenten verwendet wird.

Business Process

Ein Satz von einer oder mehreren Aktivitäten und Zuständen, die zusammen zum Erreichen eines Geschäftsziels führen.


Eine Gruppe von Modellierungskomponenten, die einige Merkmale gemeinsam haben, z. B. den Kunden, den Eigentümer und das Gültigkeitsdatum.


If the version is not equal to the current modeling version it is a derived-from version. As a result, the role can only be displayed in the read only mode.


The description or name of the business process.


Ein ERP-Anwender, der eine Modellierungskomponente oder eine Version erstellt hat oder dafür zuständig ist.


Das Entwicklungsstadium einer Modellierungskomponente.

Rep. Help

If this check box is selected, a Help text is available, which provides you with further information about the business process.


If this check box is selected, the business process has expired and can no longer be used in the current modeling version.


Business Process Editor...

If you click this button (or command), the Enterprise Modeler Editor is started and you can create or maintain the selected business process.

The Enterprise Modeler Editor shows the actual business process.

Edit Repository Help

If you click this button (or command), the Text Editor is started and you can create or maintain a repository Help text for the selected business process.

View Repository Help

If you click this button (or command), the repository help text is displayed.

Business Process Browser ...

If you click this button (or command), the enterprise modeler browser is started, which graphically displays the selected business process. If you do not select a business processes, all business processes are displayed.

By means of the Enterprise modeler browser you can start the Enterprise Modeler Editor and view the details of business processes.

Copy Business Process to Current Version

If you click this button (or command), the selected business process is copied to the current modeling version.

Change Current Version to Version of BP

If you click this button (or command), the current modeling version is changed to the version of the selected business process.

Link Roles to Business Processes...

If you click this button (or command), the Roles by Business Process (tgbrg5106m000) session is started, which you can use to link one or more roles to the selected business function.