Roles by Business Process by Business Model (tgbrg3540m000)

Mit diesem Programm list the roles by business process. You can import roles from the repository and maintain the roles in the Roles by Business Process by Business Model (tgbrg3140s000) details session.


Roles that are linked to a process are inherited at lower levels, such as activities and nested processes (See the Activity Type field in the Business Process Activities (tgbrg5122s000) session).

If you do not want a role to apply to a particular activity or nested process, you must exclude it for that activity or process (See the Excluded field in the Role by Business Process Activity Properties (tgbrg3150s000) session).


Model type
Business Model

Ein Modell, das die Organisation darstellt.

Es gibt zwei Arten von Geschäftsmodellen:

  • Referenzmodelle stehen für bestimmte Branchen oder Geschäftstypologien.
  • Projektmodelle stehen für eine bestimmte Organisation.
Business Model

The description or name of the business model.


Eine Gruppe von Modellierungskomponenten, die einige Merkmale gemeinsam haben, z. B. den Kunden, den Eigentümer und das Gültigkeitsdatum.


The description or name of the version.

Business Process

Ein Satz von einer oder mehreren Aktivitäten und Zuständen, die zusammen zum Erreichen eines Geschäftsziels führen.

Business Process

The description or name of the business process.


In DEM ist eine Rolle ein Satz bestimmter Qualifikationen und/oder Kenntnisse, über die ein Mitarbeiter verfügen muss, um berechtigt zu sein, einen Geschäftsprozess, eine Aktivität oder ein Unterprogramm auszuführen.


The description or name of the role.


The level of authorization an employee with this role has to carry out the activities of application type in the business process.


If you leave this field empty, the Full Authorization applies.


Wenn dieses Kontrollkästchen markiert ist, the role is excluded from the business process.

EmployeeRoleBusiness process
T. SmithA, BBP001
D. JonesABP001


Both role A and B authorize employees to use business process BP001

If role A is excluded, employee D. Jones is no longer able to carry out business process BP001. However, employee T. Smith can still use business process BP001, as he has role B as well.


Roles by Process

If you click this button (or command), the Roles by Business Process (tgbrg5106m000) session is started, which you can use to view which roles are linked in the repository to the selected business process.

Copy Role link from Business Process in Repository

If you click this button (or command), the Roles by Business Process (tgbrg5106m000) session is started, which you can use to select a role and to import the link between that role and the selected business process into the current session.

Role Browser

If you click this button (or command), the Authorization Browser (tgbrg8124m000) session is started, which graphically displays the selected role and the employees that are linked to this role. If you do not select a role, all roles are displayed.