Global Zone/Location Blocking (whwmd6210m000)

Use this session to block or unblock a range of zones or locations.

  1. Under Block, select Block or Unblock as required.
  2. In the Reason for (Un)Blocking field, select the appropriate reason code.
  3. Under Selection, select Zone or Location as required.
  4. If required, select a specific transaction type in the For Transaction field.
  5. Under Selection Range, specify the ranges as required.
  6. To print a report of the blocked or unblocked zones or locations, select the Print Changes check box.
  7. Click (Un)Block.
  • When you start to block or unblock, your logon code and the current date and time are recorded. LN stores this information to prevent other users from (un)blocking these zones or locations.
  • To block or unblock an entire warehouse, specify the entire range of the warehouse's locations or storage zones.
  • To print a report on the global blocking, enter ranges in the Row/Level/Bin, Row/Level/Bin and Row/Level/Bin fields.
  • If a block or unblock is set for all transactions, all actions are performed in the Zone/Location Blocking (whwmd6110m000) session.
  • If a block is set for a specific transaction, all actions are performed within the Location Blocking by Transaction (whwmd6111m000) session or the Zone Blocking by Transaction (whwmd6112m000) session.

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Choose whether you want to block or to unblock


Indicate whether the collective (un)blocking must apply to zones or to locations.

For Transaction

The type of transaction for which want to block or unblock zones or locations.

Default value: All

If required, select one of the following:

  • Inbound
  • Outbound
  • Transfer (Receipt)
  • Transfer (Issue)
  • Assembly
Reason for (Un)Blocking

The reason of the blocking. This reason can be linked to a blocking of a zone, location, lot, stock point, or serialized item.

You can only select a reason of one of the following types:

  • Inventory Blocking excluding EP
  • Inventory Blocking including EP
Print Changes

If this check box is selected, the imposed blockings or lifted blockings will be printed.