Zone Blocking by Transaction (whwmd6112m000)

Use this session to block or unblock zones for specific transactions.

A block can be imposed on a specific zone for a particular transaction by selecting the check box for that transaction. Blocked zones are no longer available for transactions where the block was set. The same block is lifted by clearing the check box for that transaction.

When a block for a specific transaction on a zone is selected, the block is reflected in the blocking fields in the Warehouse - Storage Zones (whwmd3110s000) session. The block is also reflected in the Warehouse - Location (whwmd3100s000) session for all locations that belong to the zone.

The inventory data in the Stock Point Inventory (whinr1540m000) session is updated after you block or unblock a zone for all relevant items and lots.


If you have started this session by zooming, you can only find and select a record.

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The code of the warehouse where the zone is situated.

Storage Zone

A part of the warehouse that can be assigned to specific employees or vehicles. Each location can be assigned to a zone.


If this check box is selected, inbound transactions are not allowed for the zone.

You can choose to block a zone for inbound transactions while still retaining particular locations within the zone as inbound locations. When you select this check box, inbound movements are temporarily not accepted at locations within this zone.

If this field is cleared, purchased items or manufactured items can be stored at this location. Warehouse receipts for locations within this zone can be entered manually.


If this check box is selected, inbound transactions are not allowed for the zone.

You can choose to block a zone for outbound transactions, while still retaining particular locations within the zone as outbound locations. When you select this check box, outbound movements are temporarily not accepted at locations within this zone.

If this check box is cleared, items can be issued from locations within this zone to sales or production. Warehouse issues can also be entered for locations within this zone.


If this check box is selected, the zone is (temporarily) blocked for inward transfers (receipts).

Blocking receipts for a zone ensures that no incoming transshipment occurs while the locations within this zone still remain identifiable as transfer (receipt) locations.


If this check box is selected, the zone is (temporarily) blocked for outward transfers (issues).

Blocking issues for a zone ensures that no outward transfer occurs while locations within this zone still remain identifiable as transfer (issue) locations.


If this check box is selected, the zone is blocked for assembly.

An assembly zone can be blocked for assembly. This action can be performed to prevent assembly activities from being accepted in the zone.


This field is unavailable if the Inbound check box is cleared.