Handling Units (whwmd5630m000)

Use this session to view or maintain handling units. Note that enhanced handling unit maintenance and handling unit structure manipulation functionality is available on the Compose Handling Units (whwmd5130m100) session.


Enhanced handling unit maintenance and handling unit structure manipulation functionality is available on the Compose Handling Units (whwmd5130m100) session.


Handling Unit

The handling unit code that is used to uniquely identify the handling unit in LN. You can either manually define handling units in this session or in the Compose Handling Units (whwmd5130m100) session, or generate handling units in various stages of the inbound and outbound flows. If you manually define a handling unit in this session, to define the handling unit code you can enter an alphanumeric code in this field.

When generating handling units, LN uses handling unit masks to generate the handling unit IDs. You can define various handling unit masks to accomplish specific handling unit ID features such as supplier numbers. During the inbound or outbound flow, LN selects the appropriate handling unit mask to generate the handling unit IDs.

  • The empty handling units can:
    • Be shipped and are not removed automatically from the handling unit structure.
    • Contain auxiliary packaging.
  • The empty handling units cannot:
    • Contain stock point details.

Related topics

Parent Handling Unit

The parent of the current handling unit.


The version number of the handling unit. The initial version number of version-controlled handling units is 1. After a version-controlled handling unit is split, it obtains a new version number. Handling units that are not version-controlled always have version number 0.

Handling units for which splitting is enabled can be defined as version controlled in the Handling Unit Version Controlled field of the Item - Warehousing (whwmd4600m000) session.

Confirmed for Shipping

If this check box is selected, the handling unit is confirmed for shipping.

If the Handling Unit Based Confirmation check box is selected in the Warehousing Order Types (whinh0110m000) session, and all of the handling units of the shipment line are confirmed for shipping, the shipment line can be confirmed.

If the Confirm Shipment Lines when confirming Handling Units check box is selected in the Warehousing Order Types (whinh0110m000) session, the shipment line that contains the handling unit is automatically confirmed. If cleared, the linked shipment line must be manually confirmed.

Handling units are confirmed after a successful scan if the scan-to-verify process is activated or after using the Confirm option on the Execute Outbound submenu of the Handling Units (whwmd5130m000) session.


If this check box is selected, the structure of the handling unit has not changed since the handling unit was received in the warehouse. If the structure of the handling unit is changed after receipt, this check box is automatically cleared.


If this check box is selected, the handling unit can be split up into two or more handling units, for example, as a result of inbound advice to different locations.


The item that is packed by means of the handling unit.


The quantity of items expressed in the storage unit. If the handling unit is a parent and one or more child handling units of the parent are destroyed after inspection, the destroyed quantity is subtracted from the parent's quantity displayed in this field.

Note that if you manually create a handling unit, you cannot specify the number of items to be packed by means of the handling units. To pack items by means of a handling unit, you can use the Pack command on the appropriate menu of the Compose Handling Units (whwmd5130m100) session. For further information, see Pack: to generate a handling unit for multiple items. In addition, if handling units are generated for receipts, shipments, advice, inspections, and order lines, the handling units contain the number of items specified on the shipment, receipt, and so on.


The storage unit in which the quantity is expressed.


The lot to which the items in the handling unit belongs.


If you scan a handling unit's label on receipt and the handling unit is specified for the ASN or ASN line in the Shipment Notices (whinh3100m000) session, LN retrieves the lot from the ASN or ASN line. If no lot is specified on the ASN or no ASN is available for the receipt, LN retrieves the lot from the Receipt Lines (whinh3112s000) session, if specified.

Inventory Date

The inventory date of the handling unit.


If you scan a handling unit's label on receipt, LN retrieves the inventory date from the Receipt Lines (whinh3112s000) session when the receipt is confirmed.

Children Present

If this check box is selected, the handling unit has child handling units.

Dimensions Fixed

If this check box is selected, the dimensions of the handling unit are fixed. This means, that the dimensions of the handling unit will not change if items are added to the handling unit.

Gross Weight

The gross weight of the handling unit. The gross weight is the weight of all items and their packages in the handling unit. As a result, the weights of all children and packaging items are included in the handling unit's gross weight.

Gross Weight

The unit in which gross weight of the handling unit is expressed.

Net Weight

The net weight of the handling unit. The net weight is solely the weight of the items in the handling unit. As a result, the net weights of all children are included in the net weight of the handling unit, while the weights of all packaging items in the handling unit are excluded.

Packaging Item

The packaging item of which the handling unit consists.

Asset Tag

The asset tag of the handling unit.

An asset tag is a serial number that identifies a handling unit. Label printing is available for asset tags.


Asset tags are not related to the serial numbers of serialized items.


The quantity of the packaging item that is used for the handling unit. For example, the handling unit has 100 packaging items of type Box.

Package Definition

The package definition that is attached to the handling unit.


If this check box is selected,, for each packing item defined for the handling unit, a label record is created. These labels can be printed. In this way, each existing packing item is uniquely identified. For example, if the boxes on a pallet are labeled, each box obtains a label when handling units are generated for an order for milk cartons.


The handling unit's status determines which warehouse is displayed in this field:

  • Received
    The warehouse in which the item must be put away.
  • Receipt Open
    The warehouse in which the item must be put away.
  • Open
    The warehouse from which the item must be picked.
  • Frozen
    The warehouse from which the item must be picked.
  • In Transit
    The warehouse is retrieved from the inbound-order line.
  • Shipped
    No warehouse is specified.
  • Inactive
    If the handling unit will be used to receive items, the warehouse in which the item must be put away. If the handling unit will be used to issue items, the warehouse from which the item must be picked.

The handling unit's status determines which location is displayed in this field:

  • Received
    The location in which the item must be put away.
  • Receipt Open
    The location in which the item must be put away.
  • Open
    The location from which the item must be picked.
  • Frozen
    The location from which the item must be picked.
  • In Transit
    The location is retrieved from the inbound-order line.
  • Shipped
    No location is specified.
  • Inactive
    If the handling unit will be used to receive items, the location in which the item must be put away. If the handling unit will be used to issue items, the location from which the item must be picked.
Part Change Tag 1

A notification to the customer of a part change.


The reason why a part change is required.

Part Change Tag 2

A notification to the customer of a part change.


If this check box is selected, the handling unit is a dummy handling unit created by a warehousing process to support the consistency of the handling unit structure for the warehousing process.

For example, two boxes, handling unit A and handling unit B are picked from the stock for the same order line. In the shipment created for the order, one shipment line is created for the contents of the two boxes. To provide a link between the two handling units and the shipment line, a new dummy handling unit is created, which serves as a parent for these two boxes. This dummy handling unit is marked Virtual and this handling unit appears on the shipment line.

This check box is also selected for bottom-level handling units generated from a handling unit template whose bottom-level node is set to Virtual Node.



Use this command to set the handling unit status to Open. This applies to handling units with the Inactive status.

Validate Handling Unit

Validates the selected handling unit.

Repack Handling Unit

Starts the Repack Handling Unit (whwmd5230m200) session in which you can repack the selected handling unit according to a different package definition or add the selected handling unit to another handling unit.

Generate Handling Unit Allocation Change Order

Starts the Generate Handling Unit Allocation Change Order (whinh1220m100) session in which you can change the allocation for the selected handling unit.

Execute Inbound

Inbound procedures are executed for handling units. For further information, see Inbound procedures and handling units.


Receives inbound handling units. As a result, the handling unit obtains the Receipt Open status. For further information, see Inbound procedures and handling units

Confirm Receipt

Confirms the receipt of inbound handling units. As a result, the handling unit obtains the Received status. For further information, see Inbound procedures and handling units

Generate Advice

Generates an inbound advice for the handling unit. As a result, the handling unit obtains the Advised status. For further information, see Inbound procedures and handling units.

Put Away

Stores a handling unit in the storage location of the warehouse. As a result, the handling unit obtains the In Stock status. For further information, see Inbound procedures and handling units.


Approves the inbound handling units. For further information, see To inspect handling units.


Rejects the inbound handling units. For further information, see To inspect handling units.


Destroys the inbound handling units. For further information, see To inspect handling units.

Warehouse Inspections

Starts the Warehouse Inspections Overview (whinh3122m000) session.

Release Outbound Advice

Use this command to release outbound advice. The contents of a handling unit can be allocated to multiple outbound advices. These outbound advice will be released if you click this command. For more information, refer to To release handling units and Outbound and shipment procedures for handling units.

Pick Advice

Use this command to indicate that the handling unit is collected from the storage location and moved to the staging location or inspection location. For more information, refer to Outbound and shipment procedures for handling units.


Use this command to approve outbound handling units. As a result, their status becomes Approved. For further information, see Outbound and shipment procedures for handling units


Use this command to reject outbound handling units. As a result, their status becomes Quarantine. For further information, see Quarantine inventory.


Use this command to confirm outbound handling units. As a result, LN selects the Confirmed for Shipping check box for the handling unit. For more information, refer to Outbound and shipment procedures for handling units.

Undo Advice

Use this command to cancel an inbound advice for a handling unit. For further information, see Inbound procedures and handling units.

Undo Advice

Use this command to cancel the outbound advices for a handling unit. The contents of a handling unit can be allocated to multiple outbound advices. These advices will be canceled if you click this command. For more information, refer to Outbound and shipment procedures for handling units.

Undo Release

Use this command to cancel the release of the outbound advice for a handling unit. The contents of a handling unit can be allocated to multiple outbound advices. The release of these advices will be canceled if you click this command. For more information, refer to To release handling units and Outbound and shipment procedures for handling units.

Set Not Shipped

Use this command to indicate that a handling unit is not shipped. For further information, see Outbound and shipment procedures for handling units.

Reset Not Shipped

Use this command to cancel the Set Not Shipped setting for a handling unit. As a result, the handling unit obtains the Shipped status. For further information, see Outbound and shipment procedures for handling units.

Print Handling Units

Starts the Print Handling Units (whwmd5430m000) session. By default, LN starts this session to print the report. .

Print Labels

Use this command to start the session Print Labels (whwmd5430m100).

Handling Unit Tree

Use this command to access the tree structure, which is a graphical representation of the selected handling unit and the handling units that belong to the handling unit structure of the selected handling unit.


Use this command to generate a lot number for the items included in a handling unit. For further information, see Lot control and How to use lots.


Use this command to display serials for the handling unit. The session that will start if you use this command depends on the status of the selected handling unit.

  • The Receipt Line Lots and Serials (whinh3123m000) session or the Receipt Line BOM Lots and Serials (whinh3119m000) starts if the status of the selected handling unit is one of the following:
    • Receipt Open
    • Received
    • Advised
    • To Be Inspected
    • Approved
  • The Outbound Advice Lots and Serials (whinh4126m000) session starts if the status of the selected handling unit is one of the following:
    • Allocated
    • Released
  • The Shipment Line Stock Point Details (whinh4133m000) session starts if the status of the selected handling unit is one of the following:
    • Staged
    • Frozen
    • Shipped
Generate Storage List

Generates a storage list for an inbound handling unit. For further information, see Inbound procedures and handling units

Generate Picking List

Use this command to generate a picking list for an outbound handling unit. The contents of a handling unit can be allocated to multiple outbound advices. Picking lists are generated for these advices if you click this command. For more information, refer to Outbound and shipment procedures for handling units.

Goods Received Notes

Generates a goods received note for a handling unit. For further information, see Inbound procedures and handling units.

Receipt Correction

Receipt correction is carried out on the inbound order line for the selected handling unit.

Stock Point Details

Starts the Handling Unit Stock Point Details (whwmd5136m000) session.

Go to Parent

Use this command to move to the parent handling unit of the selected handling unit. For further information, see Handling unit structures.

Go to Top

Displays the details of the top record of the group.

Commit Inventory

Commits the handling units of the selected outbound order line.

Undo Commit Inventory

Reverts the commit of handling units for the selected outbound order line.


Calculates the weight of the selected handling unit.

For handling units with child handling units, the weight is calculated by adding the weights of the child handling units. Gross weight calculation also adds the weight of any packaging items. On the bottom level of the handling unit structure, where no child handling units exist, the weight is calculated based on the weights of the packaging items and the item weights specified in the Item Defaults (tcibd0102m000) session.