Warehouse - Storage Zones (whwmd3110s000)

Use this session to define a new zone within a warehouse or to view the details of an existing zone.

Define the blockings and select an employee for the zone.



The code of the warehouse where the zone is situated.

Storage Zone

The code that identifies an inventory zone within a warehouse. A zone is any part of the warehouse where goods can be stored. A warehouse zone can have many locations.

Blocked for Inbound

If this check box is selected, inbound transactions are not allowed for the zone.

You can block a zone for inbound transactions while retaining specific locations within the zone as inbound locations. If this check box is selected, inbound movements are temporarily not accepted at locations within this zone.

If this check box is cleared, purchased or manufactured items can be stored at this location. Warehouse receipts for locations within this zone can be entered manually in the Warehouse Orders module.

Blocked for Outbound

If this check box is selected, outbound transactions are not allowed for the zone.

You can block a zone for outbound movements while retaining specific locations within the zone as outbound locations. If this check box is selected, outbound movements are temporarily not accepted at locations within this zone.

If this check box is cleared, items can be issued from locations within this zone to sales or production. Warehouse issues can also be entered for locations within this zone in the Warehousing Master Data module.

Blocked for Transfer (Receipt)

If this check box is selected, the zone is (temporarily) blocked for inward transfers (receipts).

Blocking receipts for a zone is carried out to assure that no incoming transhipment occurs, although you can still identify the locations in this zone as transfer (receipt) locations.

Blocked for Transfer (Issue)

If this check box is selected, the zone is (temporarily) blocked for outward transfers (issues).

Blocking issues for a zone is carried out to assure that no outward transfer occurs, although you can still identify locations within this zone as transfer (issue) locations.

Blocked for Assembly

If this check box is selected, the zone is blocked for assembly.

An assembly zone can be (temporarily) blocked for assembly. Blocking (temporarily) prevents assembly activities from being accepted in the zone.


If the Inbound check box is cleared, this field appears dimmed.

Blocked for All Transactions

If this check box is selected, the zone is blocked for all transactions.

This check box is selected if a block is set for the zone in the Zone/Location Blocking (whwmd6110m000) session.

Related topics

Because Of

The reason why the zone is blocked.


The employee who blocked the zone.


The business partner allocated to the zone. The business partner allocated to the zone is the owner of the inventory stored in the zone or any of the locations of the zone. You can select either a buy-from business partner or a sold-to business partner.

The following restrictions pertain to assigning a business partner to a zone:

  • If inventory owned by a particular business partner is stored in the zone, you can only allocate that business partner to the zone.
  • If inventory owned by a particular business partner is allocated to the zone or to any location of the zone, you can only allocate that business partner to the zone.
  • If a business partner is allocated to any of the locations of the zone, you can only allocate that business partner to the zone.
  • If the locations of the zone are allocated to multiple business partners, you cannot allocate the zone to a business partner.

Alternatively, you can allocate business partners (owners) to warehouses, locations, and items. For more information, refer to Ownership Registration Level.


The number of the employee attached to this zone. For informational purposes, for example, to show who is responsible for the zone.


The ID or code of the printer for this zone.

The selected printer will print the documents relevant to inventory movements into or out of the zone, which are generated in the following sessions:

  • Generate Storage List (whinh3415m000)
  • Generate Picking List (whinh4415m000)
  • Print Bills of Lading (whinh4470m000)
  • Print Packing Slips (whinh4475m000)
  • Print Packing Lists (whinh4476m000)
  • Print Delivery Notes (whinh4477m000)
  • Print Shipping Manifest (whinh4478m000)

If no printer is selected in this field, a default printer is used to print these documents, or the user must select a printer from a dialog. To use a default printer, default printers and default settings must be specified. For more information, refer to Default Devices by User (whwmd1545m000) and Use Specific Device Selection.