Item Data by Warehouse (whwmd2510m000)

Use this session to view the item data by warehouse.

Warehouse and item combinations are automatically generated in the current session when:

  • Starting from the Item Defaults (tcibd0102m000) session, item ordering data is created in the Item - Ordering (tcibd2100m000) session and item warehousing data is created in the Item - Warehousing (whwmd4600m000) session.
  • An order is created for a warehouse and item combination that is not available in the current session.

You can view the inventory of the items for each warehouse in the Warehouse - Item Inventory (whwmd2515m000) session.


To update processing parameters at multiple item and/or warehousing levels, on the appropriate menu, click Update active Parameters in Warehouses and Items.



The warehouse code.


The code identifying the item that is stored in the warehouse.


The status of the warehouse and item combination.

Use Item Ordering Data

If this check box is selected, the item values specified in the Item - Ordering (tcibd2100m000) session are taken into account when item-warehouse combinations are created.

If this check box is cleared, the values of the following fields in the current session are taken into account:

  • Expected Annual Issue
  • Season Pattern for Demand
  • Seasonal Pattern for Safety Stock
  • Order Method
  • Order Quantity Increment
  • Minimum Order Quantity
  • Maximum Order Quantity
  • Fixed Order Quantity
  • Economic Order Quantity
  • Maximum Inventory
  • Reorder Point
  • Safety Stock
  • First Allowed Order Date
  • Last Allowed Order Date

Generate order advice

When you generate order advice by item and warehouse by means of the Generate Order Advice (SIC) (whina3200m000) session, the setting of this check box determines the field values that LN uses as input. For more information, refer to Input data for order advice (SIC).

Inventory Valuation Method
Order Method

The order method and, among other data, the order system, determine the order quantity in planned purchase, production, and replenishment orders for the item.

Supply System
Allocation Level

The inventory allocation level for the current item stored in the current warehouse.

Allow Negative Inventory

The default value is taken from the Allow Negative Inventory field of the Item - Warehousing (whwmd4600m000) session.

If the value in the Allow Negative Inventory field of the Item - Warehousing (whwmd4600m000) session is No, the values Yes and If on Order are unavailable in this field.

Create Outbound Advice Despite Inventory Shortage

If this check box is selected, LN allows outbound advice to be generated even if insufficient inventory is available. To generate outbound advice for negative inventory, the Create Outbound Advice Despite Inventory Shortage check box in the Generate Outbound Advice (whinh4201m000) session must also be selected.

If the value of the Allow Negative Inventory field is:

  • No, this check box is unavailable.
  • If on Order, outbound advice for negative inventory cannot exceed the on order quantity expected to be received.

If this check box is cleared, you can still manually create outbound advice through the Outbound Advice (whinh4525m000) session in case of inventory shortage.

Generate Handling Unit Automatically during Projected Shipments

The settings that control automatic generation of handling units when projected shipments are created.


The setting specified in this field overrules the setting of the Generate Handling Unit Automatically during Projected Shipments field of the Warehouses (whwmd2500m000) session.

Dynamic Cross-docking

If this check box is selected, dynamic cross-docking is possible for this item-warehouse combination.

  • This field can only be selected if the Dynamic Cross-docking check box is selected in both of the following sessions:

    • Item Data by Warehouse (whwmd2110s000)
    • Item - Warehousing (whwmd4600m000)
  • If a cross-dock order exists for this warehouse or item, you cannot clear this check box.

Related topics

Handling Units in Use

If this check box is selected, handling units are used for the selected item in the current warehouse.


If this check box is selected, handling units are used in shipment processes carried out for the selected item in the current warehouse.


If this check box is selected, a text related to the item - warehouse data exists.


To specify the text, go to References > Texts > Text.

Supply from Warehouse

If this check box is selected, supply takes place from a warehouse.

If this check box is cleared, a supply order is created based on the item source. For planned items this check box must be selected.

Supply Warehouse

The warehouse from which supply must take place.

The selected supply system and the order for which the supply is required determine whether the warehouse from which supply takes place is the supply warehouse specified in the Supply Warehouse field or the warehouse defined for the order.

Buy-from Business Partner

The buy-from business partner that must supply the item.

Reorder Point

A set inventory level where, if the total stock on-hand plus total on-order falls below that point, action is taken to replenish the stock.

Inventory control is based on a number of decision rules, which determine when, and in what quantity an item is ordered. This depends on the order method and the values of the following fields in the current session:

  • Reorder Point
  • Economic Order Quantity
  • Fixed Order Quantity
  • Order Interval
  • Maximum Inventory

If the reorder point and the economic order quantity are specified, order advice to replenish the stock is generated as soon as the economic stock falls below the reorder point.

The order quantity can be fixed or variable, depending of the values specified for the Fixed Order Quantity and Maximum Inventory fields.

If you also specify an order interval, order advice is not generated the moment the economic stock falls below the reorder point, but LN checks at fixed points in time whether the economic order quantity has fallen below the reorder point. If yes, LN generates order advice.


The reorder point is updated in the Global Update of Inventory Parameters (whina2200m000) session. If the Update Inventory/Order Data check box in this session is selected for the item concerned, the reorder point is updated.

Order Interval

The order interval for ordering the same item. By using an order interval you can prevent a too big and frequent flow of planned orders.


If you select the Use Item Ordering Data check box in the current session, the order interval is retrieved from the Item - Ordering (tcibd2100m000) session.

QM Overrules Warehouse Inbound Order Type

If this check box is selected, the settings in the Testing Combinations (qmptc0119m000) session determine whether inbound inspections are performed in Quality and Warehousing for receipts of the item in the current warehouse.

Default value

By default this check box is selected.

This check box is unavailable if Quality is not implemented.

Kanban Horizon for Historical Demand in Days

The number of days in the past up to and including the current day for which LN checks the issues for production orders in the Item - Warehouse - Inventory Transactions (whinr1510m000) session to calculate the average daily demand. The average daily demand is used to calculate the number of kanban signals.

Kanban Horizon for Future Demand in Days

The number of days from the current day onwards for which LN checks the planned issues for production orders in the Planned Inventory Transactions (whinp1500m000) session to calculate the average daily demand. Issues planned for a date in the past that are yet to occur are also included. The average daily demand is used to calculate the number of kanban signals.

Kanban Average Daily Demand

The average daily demand for (end) items from the current warehouse based on Job Shop Control production orders.

The items supplied by the kanban order are used to assemble or produce the (end) items. The average daily demand is used to calculate the number of kanban signals.

Kanban Buffer

A percentage of the average daily demand used to calculate the number of kanban signals and the supply quantity of kanban loops. This percentage is added to the average daily demand, which results in a higher supply quantity for the kanban loops. This is used to prevent underdeliveries.

Percentages in excess of 100% are allowed.

Kanban Stock Coverage

The number of days within the future horizon, which usually represents the lead time of an end product for which the component demand is covered by the available stock. The lead time is the transport time added with the production time.

The stock coverage is used to calculate number of kanban signals. The stock coverage is manually specified.

Total Supply Quantity

The quantity that must be supplied to a shop floor warehouse.

In a KANBAN environment:

  • The signal supply quantity is the quantity supplied for a kanban signal by a kanban supply order.
  • The total supply quantity is the aggregated supply quantity of the signals defined for an item and warehouse combination.

The total supply quantity is the kanban signal quantity multiplied by the number of signals.

Average Daily Demand - Modification Date

The date and time on which the average daily demand is changed.

Average Daily Demand - Calculated or Manually Entered

Specifies whether the average daily demand is calculated or manually specified.

This information is used in the Global Update of KANBAN Parameters (whinh2200m100) session, where you can specify whether manually entered average daily demands must be updated.

Signal Supply Quantity

The quantity of items that must be supplied by a kanban signal. This quantity is manually specified.

Number of Signals

The default number of kanban signals that is used to supply the assembly line or production line if the supply system is KANBAN. This value can be specified manually or calculated by LN.

Label Layout

The code of the layout based on which the labels, that are used for KANBAN, must be printed.


If the supply system is KANBAN, you must specify the label layout.

Choose Print to print the label to be attached to the KANBAN signal.

Active Signals Present

If this check box is selected, active kanban signals are present for the current item and warehouse combination.

Generate Kanban Order Automatically

If this check box is selected, LN generates a kanban supply order when a kanban signal is created or activated.

Related topics

Number of Signals - Modification Date

The date and time on which the number of kanban signals is changed.

Number of Signals - Calculated or Manually Entered

Specifies whether the number of kanban signals is calculated by LN or manually specified.

This information is used in the Global Update of KANBAN Parameters (whinh2200m100) session, where you can specify whether manually entered numbers of kanban signals must be updated.


Items - Ordering

Starts the Item - Ordering (tcibd2100m000) session.