Order origins and options for canceling or updating outbound order lines

On the Outbound Process tab of the Warehousing Order Types (whinh0110m000) session, these options are available:

  • Allow Updating Outbound Order Lines upto and including
  • Allow Canceling Outbound Order Lines upto and including
  • Remove Canceled Outbound Order Lines upto and including

The impact of these options is not the same for each order origin.

Updating outbound order lines is not allowed after outbound advice is generated for warehousing orders of these origins:

  • Service
  • Maintenance Sales
  • Maintenance Work

Cancelling outbound order lines or removing cancelled outbound order lines is controlled by these options if the originating Service object is a:

  • Work order material line that is cancelled
  • Supplier claim delivery line that is terminated
  • Customer claim delivery line that is terminated

For Order Management, these options only apply to the Sales and Sales Schedule origins.

For warehousing orders of origin Job Shop Control, updating the planned dates and quantities of outbound order lines is controlled by the Correct Outbound Quantity for JSC upto and including and Correct Outbound Quantity for JSC upto and including in the Inventory Handling Parameters (whinh0100m000) sessions.

The options in the Warehousing Order Types (whinh0110m000) session do not apply to warehousing orders originating from Manufacturing.


For various order origins, the input fields of the originating order that affect the outbound order lines are still available after the status has been reached that updates are no longer allowed according to the Allow Updating Outbound Order Lines upto and including option.

If in such cases data is specified in these fields, a message is displayed to the effect that the input is not allowed according to the setting of this option, and the input is blocked.