To block or unblock zones and locations

You can impose stock point blocks on zones and locations using the Zone/Location Blocking (whwmd6110m000) session. In this session, you can partially block, block, or unblock the warehouse inventory.

Use the Location Blocking by Transaction (whwmd6111m000) session to block or unblock specific transactions in an entire location or a part of a location. Use the Zone Blocking by Transaction (whwmd6112m000) session to block or unblock types of transaction at zone level.

You can also use the Warehouse - Storage Zones (whwmd3110s000) and Warehouse - Location (whwmd3100s000) sessions to block or unblock specific types of transaction for zones and locations.

Use the Global Zone/Location Blocking (whwmd6210m000) session to block or unblock a range of zones or locations at once for one or more types of transaction or all types of transaction.

If a zone is blocked for a type of transaction, the locations of the zone are also blocked for that type of transaction. The corresponding location fields are updated. For example, if a zone is blocked for inbound transactions, the Blocked check box in the Warehouse - Location (whwmd3100s000) session and the InboundBlocked check box in the Location Blocking by Transaction (whwmd6111m000) session are selected.


If a warehouse is blocked for inbound or outbound transactions, the corresponding fields for the zones and locations are not updated.