Use ATT inventory with or without lead time fences

Sometimes, a demand of a project attains high priority and requires immediate fulfillment, while the project has insufficient inventory and lead time fences for the item prevent the creation of ATT cost peg transfers from other projects.

ATT lead time fences affect the availability of ATT inventory for permanent or borrow/loan cost peg transfers. You can use or ignore the ATT lead time fences. If you use the ATT lead time fences, options are available to extend the time fences.

If you increase the ATT time fence for an item, the availability of transferable inventory is reduced for projects using the item. Although this results in fewer cost peg transfers, it also reduces the inventory available to fulfill short term demands.

Conversely, ignoring the ATT time fence increases the availability of transferable inventory. Also, the number of projects eligible for permanent or borrow/loan transfers increases. Therefore, ignoring the time fences results in an increasing number of cost peg transfers. Each project from which inventory is transferred to another project can easily obtain a transfer from yet another project to fill its own inventory gap.

The ATT lead time fence is calculated based on the order lead time of the item. In the Planned Order field of the Items - Planning (cprpd1100m000) session, the order lead time of the item is displayed. The default ATT lead time fence is identical to the order lead time. To increase the ATT time fence, you can specify the required values in the Use Available to Transfer Lead Time field of this session.

To enable the creation of ATT cost peg transfers regardless of replenishment lead time fences:

  1. In the Project Pegging Parameters (tcpeg0100m000) session, select the Ignore ATT Time Fence during Outbound check box.
  2. In the Cost Peg Transfer Rules (tcpeg1100m000) session, select the Use Available to Transfer check box.

Consequently, the outbound process creates permanent cost peg transfers for all excess or ATT inventory that belongs to other projects, and selects cost pegs to transfer from in the following sequence:

  • Excess inventory inventory
  • ATT considering lead times
  • ATT regardless of lead times
  • The Warehousing outbound process can also generate borrow/loan transfers for ATT inventory if:

    • The Borrow/Loan and Payback check box is selected in the Project Pegging Parameters (tcpeg0100m000) session.
    • Borrow / Loan is selected in the Cost Peg Transfer Type field of the Cost Peg Transfer Rules (tcpeg1100m000) session.
  • The Enterprise Planning engine ignores the Ignore ATT Time Fence during Outbound check box.