Shipment acceptance DD 250

The Material Inspection and Receiving Report (DD Form 250) can be mandatory for contractors working for the US Government. The report comprises prescribed information relevant to the shipping process and is used for invoicing.

The DD 250 report may require users to check and accept or reject shipments at their source, destination, or both:

  • Source Acceptance
    The goods must be accepted or rejected at the supplier's or contractor's location during shipment, before the shipments are confirmed. The user performing the acceptance is usually an employee of the supplier or contractor acting on the customer’s behalf.
  • Destination Acceptance
    The goods must be accepted or rejected at the customer's location during receipt. The accepted or rejected goods are registered for confirmed shipments.
  • Source and Destination Acceptance
    The goods must be accepted or rejected at both the supplier's or contractor's and the customer's location.

These roles are involved in shipment acceptance:

  • Warehousing official
  • Official working on the customer's behalf

First, the warehousing official specifies the required type of shipment acceptance on the outbound order lines and completes shipment building. If the outbound order lines originate from a contract created in Project, the default shipment acceptance type is retrieved from the contract lines.

Next, if source acceptance is required, the official acting on the customer's behalf specifies the accepted or rejected quantities for the shipment lines involved and completes the acceptance procedure. The warehousing official then confirms the shipments and the goods are shipped.

If destination acceptance is required, a customer official completes the acceptance procedure after the goods have arrived at the customer location.

For both source and destination acceptance, dedicated sessions are available.

  • The Shipment Acceptance in use check box is selected in the Inventory Handling Parameters (whinh0100m000) session.

  • Source acceptance

    Picking and shipment building is completed, and the status of the shipment lines and shipments is Open.

  • Destination acceptance

    The status of the shipment lines and shipments is Confirmed.


Shipments can comprise shipment lines that require source acceptance and shipment lines that require destination acceptance. For such shipments, you must complete both the source and the destination acceptance procedure.