Packaging reference distribution

When goods are picked and linked to a shipment, the packaging reference distribution is created or updated below the shipment line and is used when handling units are generated for a shipment line. This is applicable only for the shipment lines that are created for a sales schedule.

The distribution is created based on the outbound order line reference distribution. The following table describes these references:

Shipment ReferenceTransport ID
ReferenceIn the automotive industry, master handling units must be shipped with the same Reference. The user is allowed to model the level of Single Reference in the handling unit template.
Packaging Reference AIn the automotive industry, whole master handling units must be shipped with the same Reference A. The user is allowed to model the level of Single Reference A in the handling unit template.
Packaging Reference BIn the automotive industry, single handling units must be shipped with the same Reference B. The user is allowed to model the level of Single Reference A in the handling unit template.


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