Length of ASN number

LN allows you to limit the length of generated shipment and load numbers and, therefore, the length of the ASN number. This feature makes it possible to satisfy requirements and standards of specific branches of industry, such as the VDA standard which limits the length of the ASN number to a maximum of 8 characters. VDA (Verband der Automobilindustry) is a German organization which serves the interests of the automobile industry.


The example below illustrates how a load or shipment number is generated.

Length Series = 3
Series = AAA
First Free Number = 23
Load Length / Shipment Length = 9Number = AAA000023
Load Length / Shipment Length = 8Number = AAA00023
Load Length / Shipment Length = 6Number = AAA023


When LN creates loads and shipments in Freight, LN applies the Load Length and Shipment Length defined in the Inventory Handling Parameters (whinh0100m000) session of Warehousing.


When Freight is implemented and no Warehousing parameters are defined, LN uses the actual length of the load and shipment fields.