Shipment building based on shipment reference

Shipment building is the process that automatically creates shipments based on picked outbound advices.

The shipment building criteria are:

  • Ship-from Type, Ship-from Code, Ship-from Address
  • Ship-to Type, Ship-to Code, Ship-to Address
  • Planned for Load Plan (Y/N)
  • Manual Shipment (Y/N)
  • Office
  • Office Company
  • Route
  • Terms of Delivery
  • Point of Title Passage
  • Motive of Transport
  • Carrier
  • Planned Delivery Date
  • Delivery Point
  • Shipment Reference

The shipment reference determines, among other criteria, how the goods picked from the supplier warehouse are grouped into shipments. The items on sales schedule lines that have the same shipment reference must be shipped as one shipment to the customer. In the automotive business this is called a Pickup Sheet (PUS) process. The shipment reference is primarily populated for warehouse orders with origin Sales Schedule. The value of the shipment reference is passed from Order Management to Warehousing by the Shipment Reference field in the Sales Schedule Planned Warehouse Orders (tdsls3520m000) session.

Based on the Shipment Reference, these shipment building parameters are available in the Warehousing Order Types (whinh0110m000) session:

  • Unique Shipment Reference per Shipment
  • Single Shipment Reference per Shipment
Unique Shipment Reference per Shipment

If this check box is selected, LN creates a unique shipment for each shipment reference number. Creation of multiple shipments for the same shipment reference is not allowed in the following cases:

  • The Ship-to business partner of the shipments is same.

  • The Ship-to business partner is different, but shipments have the same Sold-to business partner. Conversely, this means that when the ship-to BP’s differ and their related sold-to BP’s differ, LN allows the same shipment reference for creation of multiple shipments.

This parameter has the following consequences:

  • The Shipment Reference criterion overrules the shipment building criterion for Planned Delivery Date. When the planned delivery date is not the same for all schedule lines, but the schedule lines have the same shipment reference, LN creates one shipment that contains all the schedule lines for this shipment reference.

  • LN does not create outbound advices and shipment lines for pickup sheet lines that have full shortage of items. Other lines of the same pickup sheet can be picked and shipped. The outbound line for which the shortage of items occurred remains open and has the pickup sheet number of the already shipped pickup sheet. Processing of this remaining outbound line can result in a shipment that has the already used pickup sheet number. You can cancel the schedule line or provide the schedule line with a new pickup sheet number.

  • If a confirmed shipment already exists for the same shipment reference, LN stops the creation of the shipment and displays an error message.

  • Splitting/composing shipments must not result in multiple shipments per pickup sheet number and vice-versa. If shipment composition results in duplicate pickup sheet numbers, LN stops the creation of shipments and displays an error message.

Single Shipment Reference per Shipment

If this check box is selected, LN allows creation of multiple shipments for the same Shipment Reference. This parameter has the following consequences:

  • For two shipment lines that have the same shipment reference and different planned delivery dates, LN creates two shipments that have the same shipment reference.

  • Outbound Lines that have different shipment reference numbers are put on different shipments.

  • If other shipment building criteria allow, outbound lines that have the same shipment reference number are put on the same shipment. Otherwise, outbound lines are put on separate shipments.

The shipment reference scenarios
Contents Existing Shipment HeaderShipment Reference Outbound LineRelated Order Type is Single ReferenceAction
Single Reference=No, Shipment Reference= emptyemptynoAdd to Shipment
emptyyesAdd to Shipment
AAAnoAdd to Shipment
AAAyesCreate New Single Reference Shipment
Single Reference=No, Shipment Reference= AAA In this scenario, the shipment reference at the shipment header is manually filled by the end-user.emptynoAdd to Shipment
emptyyesAdd to Shipment
AAAnoAdd to Shipment
AAAyesAdd to shipment if all shipment lines have reference "AAA" and make it a single reference shipment, otherwise create new single reference shipment
BBBNoAdd to Shipment
BBBYesCreate New Single Reference Shipment
Single Reference=Yes, Shipment reference= AAAemptynocreate new shipment
emptyyescreate new shipment
AAAnoAdd to Shipment
AAAYesAdd to Shipment
BBBNoCreate new shipment
BBBYesCreate New Single Reference Shipment
Single Reference=Yes,Shipment Reference=EmptyNot Applicable


Freight integration

The Shipment Reference field which, among others, is used for the Pickup Sheet process, is transferred from the Outbound Order Lines (whinh2120m000) session to the corresponding freight order if Freight is implemented. In the Freight package, this shipment reference must be taken into account, if filled, as a Shipment Building criterion during the Load Building procedure through the Generate Plan (fmlbd0280m000) session.

That is, if the Single Shipment Reference per Shipment check box is selected and the Generate Plan (fmlbd0280m000) session is run, multiple shipments must be generated if different shipment references are applicable, even though these shipments are to be delivered at the same destination address at the same time, that is, within the same load.

If the Unique Shipment Reference per Shipment check box is selected and the Generate Plan (fmlbd0280m000) session is run, for example, for a particular period/freight order range and the same Reference is linked to multiple freight order lines (outbound lines) with different delivery times/dates, LN must still generate one single shipment per reference. This implies that the delivery time/date range on the order lines is extended so that both lines can be included in one and the same shipment. To create one single shipment, other criteria, if applicable, must also be met.