Shipment line specific handling unit template

You can compose a specific packaging structure for a shipment line. This structure is only applied to the shipment line concerned and cannot be reused for other shipment lines. For example, you normally put boxes on a pallet but you now want to put boxes in a container.

To replace packaging material, on the appropriate menu of the Shipment Lines (whinh4131m000) session, select Handling Units and Specific Packaging. The Handling Unit Templates (whwmd4160m000) session starts. In this session you can define the shipment line specific handling unit template.

If there is no pre-existing specific shipment line handling unit template, LN:

  1. Generates a new handling unit template ID.

  2. Defaults a new shipment line specific template. The defaulted template is copied from:

    1. The Package Definition field in the Shipment Lines (whinh4131m000) session.
    2. The package definition on the outbound line.
    3. If both package definitions in the steps above are empty, no shipment line specific template is defaulted.
  3. Auxiliary packaging, if present, is copied to the new shipment line specific template.

Click the (Re)generate Handling Unit button in the Handling Unit Templates (whwmd4160m000) session to create a new handling unit structure based on this shipment line specific handling unit template.


LN removes shipment line specific handling unit templates when the corresponding shipment line is deleted from the system.