Planned status for warehousing orders and order lines

For each warehousing order type, you can determine whether the initial status of the warehousing orders and inbound and/or outbound order lines must be Planned or Open. In some cases, however, the originating order determines the initial status of a warehousing order.

Initial status of warehousing orders determined by origin

For warehousing orders originating from the following packages, the originating package determines whether the initial status is Planned or Open:

  • Service
  • Maintenance Sales
  • Maintenance Work
  • JSC Production
  • Production Schedule
  • ASC Production
  • Production KANBAN

The Planned status is meant for order data entry, you cannot process planned warehousing orders. To make a planned warehousing order available for order processing, you must activate the warehousing order. An activated warehousing order obtains the Open status. If Warehousing is integrated with a Warehouse Management System, activated warehousing orders are automatically uploaded to the WMS system for processing.

For a newly created warehousing order line with the Planned status, you can:

In addition, for planned warehousing orders, LN:

Setting parameters for the Planned status

In the Warehousing Order Types (whinh0110m000) session:

  • To specify that new inbound order lines obtain the Planned status, select the Generate Planned Inbound Order Lines check box.
  • To specify that new outbound order lines obtain the Planned status, select the Generate Planned Outbound Order Lines check box.

New inbound or outbound order lines are either generated from other packages or created manually.

How to activate Planned warehousing orders

To activate warehousing orders with the Planned status, you can use the Activate Warehousing Orders (whinh2203m000) session to activate a range of warehousing orders, or you can select individual orders and click Activate. The Activate option is available in the following sessions:

  • Warehousing Orders (whinh2100m000)
  • Warehousing Order (whinh2100m100)
  • Warehouse Manager Dashboard (whinh2300m000)

In the Activate Warehousing Orders (whinh2203m000) session, you can also deactivate manually created warehousing orders.

Note that after you have activated a planned warehousing order for which the first activity is set to Automatic, you must use the Process button to trigger automatic processing or manually perform the first activity. For more information, refer to Inbound and outbound procedures.