How to define lot and serial registration templates

Lot and serial registration templates are used to specify the order origins and transaction types for which serial and/or lot registration must take place.

To define lot and serial registration templates, proceed as follows:

  1. In the Lot and Serial Registration Templates (whwmd4102m000) session, enter an identification code and a description for the lot and serial registration template.
  2. Highlight the identification code and description you entered in the previous step and on the appropriate menu, select Lot and Serial Registration by Order Origin. As a result, the Lot and Serial Registration by Order Origin (whwmd4103m000) starts. The highlighted registration template identification code and description is displayed in the header section.
  3. In the Lot and Serial Registration by Order Origin (whwmd4103m000), click [...].
  4. In the Order Origin field, select the origin of the orders for which lot and/or serial registration must take place.
  5. In the Transaction Type field, select the inventory transaction type for which lot and/or serial registration must take place.
  6. Select the Lot Registration check box if lot registration must take place for the selected order origin and transaction type.
  7. Select the Serial Registration check box if serial registration must take place for the selected order origin and transaction type.
  8. Save the settings made in the previous steps.
  9. If required, repeat the previous steps to specify other order origin and transaction type combinations for which lot and/or serial registration must take place.

You can also use lot and serial registration templates to exclude order origins and transaction types from lot and/or serial registration. If a general lot and/or serial registration parameter is set in the Item - Warehousing (whwmd4600m000) session and you do not want lot or serial registration to take place for a particular order origin and transaction type, select the order origin and the transaction type as described in steps 4 and 5, and clear the Lot Registration and/or Serial Registration check boxes.