Cross-docking process

In Warehousing, cross-docking comprises the following steps:

Step 1. Creation of a cross-dock order

Cross-dock orders can be created manually, in batch, or generated automatically by LN:

  • Manually
    In the Cross-dock Orders (whinh6100m000) session, enter an outbound order line, the requested cross-dock quantity and unit. A cross-dock order ID is generated based on the number group and series. You can optionally enter a user priority and a staging location, to which the goods will be cross-docked.
  • In batch
    Use the Generate Cross-dock Orders and Cross-dock Order Lines (whinh6200m000) session to generate a range of cross-dock orders.
  • Automatically
    1. In the Inventory Handling Parameters (whinh0100m000) session and the Warehouses (whwmd2500m000) session, make sure the Dynamic Cross-docking check box is selected.
    2. In the Item Data by Warehouse (whwmd2110s000) session, select either or both of the following check boxes:
      • Generate Cross-dock Order when Releasing Order to Warehousing
      • Generate Cross-dock Order for Outbound Advice Shortage

A newly created cross-dock order receives the status Open.

Step 2. Creation of cross-dock order lines

Cross-dock order lines can be created manually, in batch, or generated automatically LN:

  • Manually
    In the Cross-dock Orders (whinh6100m000) session, on the appropriate menu, choose Cross-dock Order Lines. In the Cross-dock Order Lines (whinh6110m000) session, enter an inbound order line, the planned cross-dock quantity and unit.
  • In batch
    Use the Generate Cross-dock Orders and Cross-dock Order Lines (whinh6200m000) session to generate a range of cross-dock order lines.
  • Automatically
    1. In the Inventory Handling Parameters (whinh0100m000) session and the Warehouses (whwmd2500m000) session, make sure the Dynamic Cross-docking check box is selected.
    2. In the Item Data by Warehouse (whwmd2110s000) session, select the Generate Cross-dock Order Lines when Confirming Receipt check box.
Step 3. Approving cross-dock order lines

Cross-dock order lines must be approved before inbound advice takes place; no cross-docking will be carried out for unapproved cross-dock order lines. You can approve cross-dock order lines manually, in a batch process, or automatically:

  • Manually
    • To approve a single cross-dock order line, in the Cross-dock Order Lines (whinh6110m000) session, on the appropriate menu, choose Change Status to, and then Approved.
    • To approve all cross-dock order lines for a cross-dock order, in the Cross-dock Orders (whinh6100m000) session, select the appropriate cross-dock order and, on the appropriate menu, choose Approve Cross-dock Order Lines.
  • In batch
    Use he Approve Cross-dock Order Lines (whinh6210m100) session to approve a range of cross-dock order lines.
  • Automatically
    1. In the Inventory Handling Parameters (whinh0100m000) session and the Warehouses (whwmd2500m000) session, make sure the Dynamic Cross-docking check box is selected.
    2. In the Item Data by Warehouse (whwmd2110s000) session, select the Automatically Approve Cross-dock Order Lines check box.

When a cross-dock order line is created and approved, the associated cross-dock order receives the status Planned.

Step 4. Processing cross-dock order lines
  • Receiving goods
    On the warehousing receiving side, users can initiate cross-docking by generating cross-dock order lines during confirmation of receipt lines, based on the Generate Cross-dock Order Lines when Confirming Receipt setting in the Item Data by Warehouse (whwmd2110s000) session. Before confirm receipt takes place, however, users can overrule this setting by either selecting or clearing the Cross-docking check box in the Warehouse Receipt (whinh3512m000) session.
  • Inbound advice
    During generation of inbound advice, LN checks whether the receipt line must be cross-docked. If this is the case, the goods are advised for a staging location. If the Quantity Planned to Cross-dock is less than the received quantity, only part of the receipt line is advised for a staging location, while the remainder is advised for a bulk or pick location. If, based on the Inspection field of the receipt line, inspection is required, the goods are first advised for the inspection location. If inbound advice is created for the receipt line and no inspections are required, the cross-dock order line status will be set to Advised. If inspections must be carried out first, the Advised status will be assigned when goods are advised after inspections. If an inbound advice is generated for an inbound order line that is linked to more than one cross-dock order, the goods are first advised for the cross-dock order with the highest priority.
  • Inspections (inbound)
    During inspection goods can be approved, destroyed, or rejected.
  • Approving goods
    When goods are approved they are ready to be advised.
  • Destroying and/or rejecting goods
    If goods are destroyed or rejected, and the remaining quantity is not enough for cross-docking, the Quantity Planned to Cross-dock of the corresponding cross-dock order line is decreased. As a result, the cross-dock order requires some additional cross-dock order lines to compensate for this. If there are multiple cross-dock order lines for an inbound order line, the Quantity Planned to Cross-dock of the cross-dock order line corresponding to the cross-dock order with the lowest priority will be decreased first. If the Quantity Planned to Cross-dock of a cross-dock order line is completely destroyed and/or rejected, the cross-dock order line is canceled or closed. If the Cross-docked Quantity is greater than zero, it will be closed, otherwise canceled.
  • Approvals (outbound inspections)
    When a cross-dock order corresponds to an outbound order line for which approvals/outbound inspections are defined in the outbound procedure, these inspections are carried out during the inbound inspections of the corresponding inbound order lines/cross-dock order lines. This means that for an inbound order line with corresponding cross-dock orders lines, inbound inspections will take place if inbound and/or outbound inspections are required.
  • Put Away/Confirm Storage List
    The goods are put on the advised location. If this is a staging location, the goods were cross-docked. The Cross-docked Quantity of the cross-dock order line will be increased. The outbound advice procedure is completely skipped when cross-docking.
  • Shipment
    After the goods are put away, shipment and shipment lines are created. From here, the goods can be shipped. The cross-dock order receives the status Closed when the outbound order line receives the status Shipped. If nothing was cross-docked, the cross-dock order will receive the status Canceled.
Cross-docking settings
  • The settings in the Inventory Handling Parameters (whinh0100m000) session are used as defaults for the corresponding settings in the Warehouses (whwmd2500m000) session.
  • In turn, the settings in the Warehouses (whwmd2500m000) session are used as defaults for the corresponding settings in the Item Data by Warehouse (whwmd2110s000) session.
  • Because LN only considers warehouse-item-specific settings, users can easily overrule general settings as required.

To use dynamic cross-docking at warehouse-item level ( Item Data by Warehouse (whwmd2110s000) session, Dynamic Cross-docking check box), you must first select the corresponding check boxes in the Inventory Handling Parameters (whinh0100m000) and Warehouses (whwmd2500m000) sessions.