Warehousing loads and shipments

In Warehousing, loads, shipments, and shipment lines are generated for outbound order lines that have the Staged status.

To generate loads, shipments, and shipment lines, Warehousing completes these steps:

  1. Generate shipment line.
  2. Check if a shipment is present to which the shipment line can be linked.
  3. If yes, link shipment line to shipment. For more information, refer to Linking a shipment line to a shipment in Warehousing

    If no, generate shipment.

  4. Check if a load is present to which the shipment can be linked.
  5. If yes, link shipment to load. For more information, refer to Linking a shipment to a load in Warehousing.

    If no, generate load and link shipment.

  • If an actual Freight load plan is present, Warehousing generates loads and shipments based on the Freight loads and shipments. For more information, refer to Freight loads and shipments.
  • For production orders, the setting of the Create Shipment field in the Default Order Types by Origin (whinh0120m000) session determines whether shipment lines are generated.
  • If the Consolidate Stock Points in one Shipment Line check box in the Inventory Handling Parameters (whinh0100m000) session is selected, the outbound advices of the same order line with different stock point details are consolidated into a single shipment line even if the outbound advices contain multiple:

    • Lots (in inventory)
    • Serials (in inventory)
    • Inventory Dates
    • Effectivity Units
    • E-Item Revision (via the lot)

You can view and maintain loads, shipping containers, shipments, and shipment lines in the following sessions:

In these sessions, you can also manually create or modify loads, shipping containers, shipments, and shipment lines. For further information, see: