Handling Unit Process Inbound (whinh2113m000)

Use this session to view the inbound data, such as originating orders, receipts, inbound advice, and so on, related to the handling unit.


Handling Unit

The handling unit for which you view related data.


The origin of the order to which the handling unit is related.


The identification number of the order to which the handling unit is related.

Order Set

The order set of the order to which the handling unit is related.

Order Line

The number of the order line to which the handling unit is related.

Order Line

The sequence number of the order to which the handling unit is related.

BOM Line

The BOM line of the order to which the handling unit is related.

BOM Line

The sequence number of the BOM line of the order to which the handling unit is related.


The identification number of the receipt to which the handling unit is related.


The number of the receipt line to which the handling unit is related.

Shipment Notice

The identification number of the advance shipment notice to which the handling unit is related.

Shipment Notice

The position number of the advance shipment notice line to which the handling unit is related.

Shipment Notice

The sequence number of the advance shipment notice to which the handling unit is related.

Open Receipt

The quantity of the items of the handling unit for which the receipt is not yet confirmed.

Inventory Unit

The unit of measure in which the inventory of an item is recorded, such as piece, kilogram, box of 12, or meter.

The inventory unit is also used as the base unit in measure conversions, especially for conversions that concern the order unit and the price unit on a purchase order or a sales order. These conversions always use the inventory unit as the base unit. An inventory unit therefore applies to all item types, also to item types that cannot be kept in stock.


The quantity of the items of the handling unit for which the receipt of the handling unit is confirmed.


The quantity of the items of the handling unit for which an inbound advice is generated.

Put Away

The quantity of the items of the handling unit that are stored in the warehouse or are moved to an inspection location. For further information, see Inbound procedures and handling units.


The quantity of the items of the handling unit that are inspected at the inspection location.


The quantity of the items of the handling unit that have been approved at the inspection location. Note that destroyed handling units are recorded both in this field and the Destroyed field, because, just like approved items, the supplier must be paid for destroyed items.


The quantity of items that the handling unit contains that have been destroyed at the inspection location. Note that destroyed handling units are recorded both in this field and the Approved field, because, just like approved items, the supplier must be paid for destroyed items.


The quantity of items that the handling unit contains that have been rejected at the inspection location.

Inventory Scrapped

The quantity of items that the handling unit contains that have been scrapped at the inspection location.

Advised from Inspection

The quantity of items that the handling unit contains for which an inbound advice is generated after approval at the inspection location.

Put Away from Inspection

The quantity of items that the handling unit contains that are moved to a storage location after approval at the inspection location.

To be Approved

The quantity of items in the handling unit that will be approved when the inspection is processed.

To be Rejected

The quantity of items in the handling unit that will be rejected when the inspection is processed.

To be Destroyed

The quantity of items in the handling unit that will be destroyed when the inspection is processed.

To be Scrapped Quantity

The quantity of items in the handling unit that will be scrapped when the inspection data is processed.

Reject Reason

A code that indicates the reason for the rejection.

Destroy Reason

The reason code that explains why the items are destroyed.

Scrap Reason

The reason code indicating why the rejected items are scrapped. You can zoom to the Reasons (tcmcs0105m000) session to select a reason code or manually specify a reason code.

Active Process

If this check box is selected, the handling unit is allocated to an order and the handling unit has one of the following statuses:

  • Open
  • Receipt Open
  • Received
  • Advised
  • To Be Inspected
  • Approved

If this check box is cleared, the handling unit is not allocated to an order and has one of the following statuses:

  • Inactive
  • In Stock
  • In Transit
  • Closed

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Print Handling Unit Process Inbound

Use this command to access the Print Handling Unit Process Inbound (whinh2413m000) session to print the inbound handling unit related data for the selected handling unit. By default, LN starts this session to print the report.


Use this command to access the Warehouse Receipt (whinh3512m000) session to view the receipt data for the selected handling unit.

Shipment Notice Lines

Use this command to access the Shipment Notice Lines (whinh3101m000) session to view the shipment notice lines for the selected handling unit.

Inbound Order Lines

Use this command to access the Inbound Order Lines (whinh2110m000) session to view the inbound order lines for the selected handling unit.

Print Goods Received Note

Use this command to access the Print Goods Received Note (whinh3412m100) session to print the goods received notes for the selected handling unit.