| Activities by Procedure (whinh0106m000)Use this session to select activities for warehousing
procedures or change the selection of activities for a warehousing procedure.
To select activities for a warehousing procedure, in the Warehousing Procedure field, select the procedure for which you
want to select activities and adjust the activities that appear. If you modify the activities of a procedure, the changes
become effective for the order lines of warehousing orders that have the same
order type as the order type to which the procedure is linked and that are
created after the changes of the procedure are saved. These orders are either
manually created or generated from orders originating from other packages.
Warehousing orders currently processed by means of the procedure are not
affected by the changes. Warehousing Procedure A procedure to handle warehousing orders and handling units. A
warehousing procedure comprises various steps, also called activities, that a
warehousing order or a handling unit must take to be received, stored,
inspected, or issued. A warehousing procedure is linked to a warehousing order
type, which in turn is allocated to warehousing orders. Procedure Type The warehousing procedure type. Activity An activity for the selected
warehousing procedure. Applicable If this check box is selected, the activity is added to
the procedure. Mandatory activities For each procedure, one or more activities are mandatory.
For mandatory activities, this check box is selected and read-only. For each
procedure, the following list shows the mandatory activities. Receipt Procedure - Warehouse Receipt (whinh3512m000)
- Generate Inbound Advice (whinh3201m000)
Inspection Procedure - Warehouse Inspections Overview (whinh3122m000)
- Generate Inbound Advice (whinh3201m000)
Note that the Generate Inbound Advice (whinh3201m000) is only mandatory for location-controlled
warehouses. Outbound Procedure - Generate Outbound Advice (whinh4201m000)
- Release Outbound Advice (whinh4202m000)
Shipment Procedure - Freeze/Confirm Shipments/Loads (whinh4275m000)
For the complete list of activities, see Default activities by procedure. Additional constraints If this check box is selected for the Generate Storage List (whinh3415m000) activity, this check box is automatically cleared
for the Put Away Inbound Advice (whinh3203m000) activity. If this check box is selected
for the Put Away Inbound Advice (whinh3203m000) activity, this check box is
automatically cleared for the Generate Storage List (whinh3415m000) activity. By default, this check box is cleared
for the Generate Storage List (whinh3415m000) activity. If this check box is selected for the Generate Storage List (whinh3415m000) activity, this check box is automatically
selected and read-only for the Storage List (whinh3525m100) activity. If this check box is cleared for the Generate Storage List (whinh3415m000) activity, this check box is automatically cleared
for the Storage List (whinh3525m100) activity. If this check box is selected for the Generate Picking List (whinh4415m000) activity, this check box is automatically
selected and read-only for the Picking List (whinh4525m100) activity. If this check box is cleared for the Generate Picking List (whinh4415m000) activity, this check box is automatically cleared
for the Picking List (whinh4525m100) activity. Automatic If this check box is selected, the activity is carried
out automatically. You can specify whether the activities of a warehousing
procedure are carried out manually or automatically. For example, if this check box is selected for the Put Away Inbound Advice (whinh3203m000) activity for an inbound procedure, the inbound
advice of orders to which this procedure is allocated is automatically put away
after the preceding activity, for example Generate Inbound Advice (whinh3201m000), is completed. For further information, see Automatic or manual execution of activities Note that this check box is only available if the Applicable check box is selected. Copies The number of copies to be printed for the current
activity. For individual warehousing orders to which the current
warehousing procedure applies, you can adjust the number of copies in the Activities by Warehousing Order (whinh2104m000) session. For individual inbound order lines to which the current
warehousing procedure applies, you can adjust the number of copies in
the Activities by Inbound Order Line (whinh2114m000) session. For individual outbound order lines to which the current
warehousing procedure applies, you can adjust the number of copies in
the Activities by Outbound Order Line (whinh2124m000) session. Output Device For activities that involve printing documents, such as storage
lists or shipping documents, select one of the output devices available in your
organization. You can define default output devices for the documents involved
in the receipt, storage, and shipping of goods in the Warehousing User Profiles (whwmd1140s000) session. This field is available for the following
activities: - Print Receipts (whinh3412m000)
- Generate Storage List (whinh3415m000)
- Generate Picking List (whinh4415m000)
- Print Bills of Lading (whinh4470m000)
- Print Packing Slips (whinh4475m000)
- Print Packing Lists (whinh4476m000)
- Print Delivery Notes (whinh4477m000)
- Print Shipping Manifest (whinh4478m000)
Label Printing Indicates whether the labels must be printed for the goods. Label Printing Method Indicates how the labels must be printed for the advised goods. Number of Label Copies The number of copies of the label that must be
printed. Label Printed by LN allows you to specify the application that must be used to print the labels for
the defined layout. Note You can view this field only if packaging level BOD is
implemented. Default value of this field is Infor LN. The value External application is not applicable when the packaging label BOD is not
implemented. Label Device The code of the label device used to print the labels for label
layout. You can create or select the device from the Device Data (ttaad3500m000) session. Note This field is enabled only if Label Printing field is set to Yes or For Handling Units Only. This field is not applicable and empty when the Label Printed by field is set to External application. The value of this field is derived when the Label Printed by field is set to External application. Label Layout The code of the label layout. | |