Location Type

  • The location in which the received goods are placed while they await the generation of an inbound advice.

  • The inventory location designated for order picking purposes. A pick location is mainly used for the outbound of small quantities and/or containers that can be replenished by bulk locations.

  • The location used mainly for large inbound quantities and/or containers and to indicate from which pick locations can be replenished.

  • A shipping dock in the warehouse where items are held just before they are placed on any means of transport for shipment.

  • A type of inventory location exclusively designated to store items that are eligible for inspection upon receipt.

    After the items have passed inspection, they are transferred to:

    • A normal location if they are approved.
    • A quarantine location if they are rejected.

    Goods in an inspection location are always considered to be on-hold inventory.

  • A type of warehouse location in which goods initially rejected during warehousing inspection or production are stored for further examination to determine their disposition.


    In locations of type Receiving, stock points are not supported.