Publishing Status

  • To be Published

    The initial status, the shipment or load has been created, or the shipment or load was Frozen and has been reopened.

  • Published

    The shipment or load is one of the following:

    • Frozen or Confirmed, if shipment validation is not applicable.
    • Projected and the shipment is manually published using the Publish Shipment or Publish Load option from the appropriate menu of the Shipments (whinh4130m000) or Loads (whinh4140m000) session.
  • Modified

    The publishing status was Published, Validated, Validating or Validation Error and the user has changed but not published the shipment or load data.

  • Validating

    Shipment or load validation is in process.

    This status is obtained if the shipment or load is either:

    • Set to Frozen. This shipment status launches the shipment validation process.
    • Manually published using the Publish Shipment or Publish Load option from the appropriate menu of the Shipments (whinh4130m000) or Loads (whinh4140m000) session.
  • Validation Error

    The shipment or load validation is in process and Exchange Management (EXM) returned validation errors. Error messages are generated in the Message Log (tcstl1500m000) session for the shipment or load.

  • Validated

    The shipment or load is Frozen, and Exchange Management (EXM) returned a successful validation.

    After a successfully validated shipment or load is confirmed, the validation status remains Validated.


    Authorized users can validate shipments or loads with validation errors. For more information, refer to Overrule validation errors.

  • Not Applicable

    BOD publishing or Shipment Validation is not applicable.