Possible values

  • Only scripts in new VRC

    Compile only scripts in the specified VRC to objects in the same VRC.

    Example: You specify to compile the scripts of package td, B61O, a, cust: only the scripts in that VRC will be compiled to objects of the same VRC.

  • Functions in new VRC

    Compile also scripts of previous VRCs, when includes (functions) have been changed.

    Example: You specify to compile the scripts of package td, B61O, a, cust: scripts of previous VRCs will also be compiled to objects of VRC B61O, a, cust, when includes (functions) have been changed in this VRC (see before).

  • All scripts

    Compile all scripts of previous VRCs, even if includes (functions) have not been changed. A reason to use this option may be to improve the system performance: all objects are present on theirst level, so the bshell will always find the object straight away. Another reason may be that the data type of a domain has changed. The data type of a domain is also compiled into the object. When the data type of domain changes in a new VRC, it is necessary to compile all scripts (also those of previous VRCs) as well.